Part 5

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"Wat happen? Wat u mean by he never told u?" I dont want to explain or talk now Im so hurt, in the past few days I was so happy, everytime I see him my heartbeat beats fast and when he touches my skin I cant control but blushed at it. what is all this feeling..and why am I mad? Because I cant be with him anymore cause he's a teacher? I say goodbye to my friend and went back home, that night I thought alot about what he thought about me? Why he didn't told me he was a teacher? Is he mad at me, cause I just left like that and I was rude to him earlier? with all these thoughts in my head I fall asleep, at night I could feel cramps in my stomach but I was too tired so I fell asleep again.

The next morning

Because of the week of the month I did not thought of going to the music room today and I dont think jhope....teacher? .....wait no I can call him jhope right? Or teacher aish anyways maybe he's not in there. After school, I went straight home, this remains for 5 days already so today Im going to the music room eventho I don't know if he's still there. When Im getting closer to the music room my heart beat starts to get fast, my hands start to shiver as well and finally I reached the door. Should I go in or not? Wat if he's not in there? Should I just leave? Hmm no wat if he's in there but he's mad very very mad! orrr inside got other students? akhdjsjs Y/N! Just go in alright? Okay lets go u can do it, when I put my hand on the door knob I hesitated awhile before turning it.

MY Dance Tutorial Teacher, Mr Jung ✔ Where stories live. Discover now