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It was my week to be at my mom's and I was dreading it.  I got along way better with Dad.  Dad said we fought so much because we're so much alike.  In my opinion, she is always out to prove how smart she is to everyone.  She can't just make an argument; she has to do it with a flourish.  As soon as I walk in the door Sunday night she's on me.

"Did you sign up for that mock trial thing at school?" she asked as she prepared dinner.  The house was spotless as usual.  Control freak.

"No," I said.  "I'm thinking about waiting until the next one."

She looked confused.  "Why?"

"Because I'm really busy, Mom," I told her as I watched.

"You seem to be playing on your phone a lot," she informed me.

"So just because I happen to check my phone I'm free enough to take on yet another extra curricular activity?"

"I'm just saying, it'll look good on your college apps," she said.

"Mom, I'm a freshman," I reminded her.

"It's never too early to start," she sing-songed.  I rolled my eyes.  "Don't start with the eye rolling.  You know how I feel about that."

Like Dad, she didn't put up with attitude and back talking and it was harder to hold my tongue.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't start laying into me the minute I walk in the door," I argued.

"Please don't be like this," she muttered as worked.

"Like what?  Like you?"

She stopped and glared at me.  "Just go to your room.  I'll call you for dinner.  While you're there maybe you can put away your laundry."

I grumbled and walked back to my bedroom.  I knew I shouldn't complain about my situation so much.  I had two parents who loved me and supported me.  Both had a nice home and I had my own bedroom.  Mom just irked me.

Instead of doing what she'd suggested I laid on my stomach on my bed and started scrolling through my Instagram feed.  Elliott's friends had posted more lame stuff about the football team.  I thought it was hilarious he couldn't play the rest of the season.  What was Elliott Soo without his football player identity?

I made a snide comment about their jock strap size and set my phone to the side, pulling out The Scarlet Letter for literature class.  I'd gotten all my other homework done at Dad's.  I always tried to save my favorite for last.

I easily made it through the two chapters we'd been assigned, then checked the chapter summaries online.  Mom called me for dinner just as I was finishing.

She'd made one of my favorites, chicken piccata, so I made an effort to be civil.

"How are things with Alex and Jack?" she asked, spearing a piece of broccoli.

"Fine," I replied.  "They're pretty sweet."

"And how about Elliott?"

"Still a douche," I told her.  "We did manage to play a few games of Sorry with Dad and Pippa without killing each other."

"That's something," she said.  "Are your dad and Pippa getting along?"

"Yeah," I said.  I hadn't ever seen them actually fighting.  Pippa usually just gave him the cold shoulder.

"Are" she asked me.

"I don't....think so," I replied.  I think I would have noticed.  Dad had had a couple girlfriends in the years since my parents had divorced.  I liked to think I knew my dad well enough to know if he had someone in his life.  Then again, we all lived together.

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