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The dreaded day had arrived.  I was moving to Chicago.  Over the weekend I had packed up most of my clothes.  The morning I was leaving, a Monday, I packed up the last of it.  Pippa had done my laundry the day before so everything was fresh and ready to go.

I'd said goodbye to Elliott that morning before he had to go to school.  They were holding my place in case I came back.  Hopefully I'd be back.  Tearfully, I hugged Alex and Jack goodbye.  They were too young to understand what was happening.  Pippa would stay behind with them while Dad took me to the airport.

I wheeled my massive suitcase out to the living room along with my backpack.  I sighed as I balanced it by the door.  Pippa was cleaning up in the kitchen, trying to stay distracted.  Finally it was time and there was no avoiding it.

"You ready?" Dad asked me, and I nodded.

Pippa walked around the island and held out her arms.  I stepped into them, wrapping mine around her middle.  She swayed us back and forth a little as we hugged for a long while.  Now that I was leaving I realized how awesome Pippa was.  She and I got along way better than my mom and I.  She was an awesome 'stepmom', though that wasn't what she was officially.

"You call or FaceTime anytime you need, okay?" she said, smoothing out the ends of my hair.  "I'm gonna miss you so much."

I fought back tears as she hugged me tight again.  Dad took my suitcase as I readjusted my backpack.  Then I followed Dad reluctantly out the door.  We got a cab to LaGuardia and Dad got me all checked in.  Since I was a minor, he was allowed to go with me to the gate to see me off.  He bought me a soda and some pretzels at a stand and I sipped and pecked at them while we waited.

Unfortunately there was no delay.  It was weird sitting there with him.  It was nice still being with him but there was this awful dread hanging over us.  We tried to talk about a few things, but the conversation wasn't really natural.

Since I was a kid I could to board first.  Dad and I walked up to the counter and the ticket agent scanned my boarding pass.  We stepped to the side and Dad didn't even try to hide the fact he was crying.  I started to break down as he hugged me tightly.

"I'm gonna fight for you, okay?" he said tearfully.  It was rare that my dad cried so it was unnerving.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," I told him through my sobs.

"Me too," he said.  After a couple minutes of hug, he pulled back and lovingly played with my hair as he looked at me.  "Stay strong and be nice to your mom, okay?"

I rolled my eyes and we both knew he didn't truly mean that.  If she was expecting us to have some mother/daughter bonding time she was sorely mistaken.

People were filing past us, looking at us sympathetically.  I wiped at my eyes after we'd hugged one last time.  Dad kissed my forehead and I reluctantly walked away.  I found my seat easily and just pulled my knees up to my chest.  This was the worst day of my life.

The flight was fine and on time.  Mom was supposed to meet me at the gate at O'Hare.  I let everyone else get off first.  I was in no rush to start this new life of mine.  Finally, I was the last one.  I got my backpack and slipped it over my shoulders, then walked out slowly.  I reached the gate and there was Mom.  She smiled and waved at me.  I just stared glumly and walked over to her.

"I'm so glad you're here!" she exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug.  I let her, but didn't hug her back.  "How was your flight?"

"Fine," I mumbled shortly.  "I need to use the bathroom."

I quickly ducked away into the nearest bathroom and locked myself in a stall.  I tried to focus on just breathing.  After a few minutes I felt like I had myself together again.  I went to the sink and splashed water over my face.  After drying off I walked out and found Mom again. 

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