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Hi guys, thank you for the reads :) I thought this song was great for this chapter. If you haven't noticed, each chapter I put a new song that I think fits the chapter. Anyways enjoy :)




"What is he doing!" I yelled jumping out of my bed. I quickly look at the time and see its 3 am. I must have only got 3 hours of sleep. I come out of my bedroom and open the door into his, to find something I wish I could unsee. Tom and the same waitress from the pub. Fucking. On his bed. 

They look up at the sound of the door opening and the blonde quickly slides out from underneath Tom.

"Darling, I was having fun there," He said with a smirk like nothing was wrong.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Tom!"

"No love, I'm not"

"I- I thought what we had was-"

"Special? Oh Astrid, get over it, its just sex-" I cut him off by punching him in his already bruised jaw. He stares at me in shock as I quickly flee his room and slam the door shut. I feel tears starting to swell up in my eyes but refused to let any drop. I shut my bedroom door and poured myself a glass of whiskey as I sat in the dark corner of my dorm, in my chair.

"Astrid, come on don't be ridiculous!" Tom says banging at my door.

*Veronicas pov*

I walk through Slytherin common room door and hear screaming. I rush to the source and see Tom Riddle outside Astrid's door, half naked.

"Astrid, come on don't be ridiculous!" He says banging on her door.

"Oi Riddle, what did you do!?" I yell at him, strutting down the head steps.

"None of your business Blue. Why would you care anyway?" He snarled at me.

"Girl code, that's why." I move him aside and put my head up against her door.

"Astrid, can you let me in? Its vero-" I suddenly get pulled through the door and into a tight embrace. I hear the sad sound of Astrid crying and Tom Riddles door shutting. Seeing her cry is heartbreaking as she's such a strong character, much like Tom, she refuses to cry in front of others.

"Astrid, what happened?" I ask her pulling away and sitting us down on the bed.

"W-why are you here?" She stutters out.

"A girl in distress needs a knight in shining highlighter," I said flicking my hair, making her giggle.

"I don't know, maybe I overreacted? I just thought me and Toms relationship was something more than that but I see now that's not the case." Astrid tells me, slowly stopping the crying.

"What did he do?" I asked her gently.

"I heard noises coming from his room so naturally I went straight in without knocking and I saw him with the waiter from tonight." She says close to tears again.

"That bitch!" I say outraged.

"I try and try to make Tom happy but he always ends up doing something like this when all I try to do is give him love. He pushes me away and then to end it off, stamps on my heart. I know he'll never love me, he will never love anyone, he's incapable of it but I thought just one chance in hell I could prove to him my loyalty. After that, I feel so hurt when I know its not really my place to, we weren't a couple or official, but we still had our moments s-so I thought may-" She doesnt finish her sentence and starts crying again.

Whiskey? (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now