Wools Orphanage

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"I can't find Fish," I said to Veronica sitting down next to her in the common room.

"I couldn't find you, where were you?" V asked putting down the book she was reading.

"With Tom," I said smiling leaning my head back on the head of the couch. Veronica immediately got my drift and squealed, turning to me in shock.

"You didn't!"

"We did!" I squealed with her. She hugged me and I hugged her back as we were in such delight.

"Well, how was it?!" 

"Amazing! Were also official so he's all mine now." I smirked. I felt someone lean over the couch I was on and breath in my ear.

"I was already yours." I hear Tom whisper in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Also, a little something came with me." He said putting his hand in front of my face to show me fish.

"FISH!" I yelled, grabbing my snake out of Toms' hand kissing him on the head. Fish slid around my neck and hung there like a necklace.

"Thank you, Tom! I thought I'd lost him." I stood up and ran around the back of the couch to kiss Tom on the cheek. I went to turn around but we grabbed me by my neck and pulled me back kissing me roughly on the lips. I knew he just wanted to prove to his 'friends' i was his, which I was ok with. He pulled away and pulled me under his arm, leading me towards his room.

We enter his room and he lets go of me and turns around to lock the door. I stood in front of the bed watching him as I let fish trail down my arm to hang on the lamp next to Toms bed. I take my attention off Tom as I stroke fishes head. Suddenly Tom turns around, pushing me onto the bed. He leans down leaving a trail of kisses down my chest as I wrap my hands in his hair. 

"Tom not right now," I said trying to pull his face up to meet mine. He plants a few more kisses on my body and finally gives in, letting me pull his head up to meet my gaze.

"I'm tired," I say with a smile. I hear him groan as he pulls himself off of me, taking off his shirt while walking into his bathroom. I sit up and walk into the bathroom to see Tom washing his face with water. He looked so tired, stressed and just sad. He looked over to me when he noticed my presence and I walked over to him putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Tom, you look exhausted, you need sleep, my love," I say worried. He wipes his wet face with a towel and turns around, facing me. He waddles over and places the top of his head on my shoulder. I let out a laugh as I wrap my arms around his head and pull his tall frame closer to me.

"Come to bed," I say lifting his face to look at me.

"Your sleeping in here," Tom says demandingly. I knew it wasn't a question.

"I need clothes to change into."

"Use one of my shirts," Tom says, pulling me out of the bathroom, over to his wardrobe. He pulled out a drawer and took out a simple black shirt, giving it to me. I laughed at his gesture and took the shirt from his hold. I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and unbuttoned my shirt. I did the zipper down on my skirt and took off my shoes, placing Toms shirt over my head. The shirt smelled like Tom, which made me smile and pick up the collar, taking in its scent.

I walk out of the bathroom, my uniform in hand, to see Tom already under the blankets, lights off, except for my side lamp and him fast asleep. I let out a muffled chuckle and put my uniform down on the couch in the corner of the room. I walk quietly over to the bed and get under the blankets turning off the lamp. I turn on my side, facing away from Tom with the blanket on my waist. I feel rustling next to me and feel the blanket being moved up my body, up to my shoulders, with a kiss on my neck, Tom wraps his arm around me, pulling me tightly into his embrace. I smile at Toms gesture and fall into a deep sleep.

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