"Marry me."

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''Back to business'' he said. Was that just a little break for him? Did he even care? I wiped away a tear that I barely knew was travelling down my cheek.

''Sure'' I replied. He could never know I felt this way. It would make him feel even more superior to me, which is not what he or I needed for a matter of fact. I lifted my head to disguise my sadness. He did win some kind of game...


I sat up from the couch and leant over to grab my clothes, avoiding making eye contact with Tom. I feel him sit next to me on the couch and put his hand on my back, slowly stroking up and down, smirking, as I pull my skirt up. I stand up quickly picking my shirt up off the floor and quickly start buttoning it up, still avoiding Toms' eyes.

"What have I done now?" Tom whined.

"Nothing Tom- I'm just not in the mood to talk." I did up the last few buttons and picked up my robe, ready to leave before he pulls me back aggressively.

"Enough with the sulking." He demands as he pulls my face towards his, making me finally look at him. He sees my red, swollen, eyes and strokes away a tear.

"You know you're not one of them." He says.

"Then what am I?"


"Different, Tom? What a charmer you are." I laughed, he laughed with me. Moments like this, are the moments I cherish with Tom. Those raw, vulnerable moments where we were completely at each other's mercy, I would ruin him as he's already ruined me.

I lean into his sweet touch, as he kisses me passionately. The feeling over his lips against mine puts me in deep ecstasy. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes, keeping me still. I don't dare move, speak or interrupt him as I give myself to him.

"Join me and my knights, rule by my side as we make the world kneel before us."

"Before you." I retort with a smirk.

"I said I'd give you the world, I'm keeping my promise. Rule by my side, your men and my men, we'd be unstoppable." He lifted his hands off me and spun around with his hands out in the air with a bright smile of his face. Seeing him like this made me the happiest person in this world.

"What of Evelyn?" I ask him.

"We can raise her to be one of us. She'd get everything shes ever wanted!" Tom says excitedly. I laugh at his excitement and watch him spin around like a 5-year-old.

"She'll never agree my love." I stand up from my spot on the couch and walk over to Tom. His smile fades a little at what I said.

"But we have plenty of time to convince her." At the end of my sentence, he picks me up spinning me in the air once and putting me back down, kissing me on the lips. Seeing him this way makes me weak and want more, seeing him act his age like he didn't have to grow up so fast. At that moment a made a vow that I would do everything in my power to make the boy in front of me happy, no matter the cost, I devoted myself entirely to him.

"Marry me," Tom said completely serious. I choked on the saliva in my throat and chuckled a bit.

"Thomas we're not even dating," I say laughing at his confused expression.

"Fine then, date me." He said sternly.

"Romantic aren't you," I say sarcastically, making him laugh.

"I like to get straight to the point," Tom said stroking my cheek.

"So you understand that if I agree to be with you, the sleeping around has got to stop?" I made sure he knew I was serious by grabbing his hand, keeping it in mine.

"Of course I do princess."

"And I can show affection to you in public," I said with a hopeful smile. He chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Fine." I swung my hands around his neck at his answer, feeling his arms snaking around my waist. We stay like that for a minute and I try to pull away but he wouldn't let go.

"Tom Riddle." I laughed and he started loosening his grip. I go to walk away and instead he grabs onto my hips and pushes me back into his chest, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Tommy let go," I said leaning into his touch a little. He chuckles into the corner of my neck, tightening his grip on my waist.

"Mm, no, I think I'll keep you to myself, Mrs Riddle." He whispered in my ear.

"Ace Riddle has an alright ring to it," I say letting him hug me a little longer.

"It would sound better if it were your legal name."

"Merlin Tom, what is it with you and marriage. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not about to drop dead." I felt his body flinch and turned around in his embrace to see a slightly worried expression on his face. I giggle slightly seeing how much my sentence affected him and stroke his cheeks, drawing his cheekbones with my finger. He studied me while I was tracing on his face, which drew a smile to his lips. I ran my finger softly over his bottom lip, watching as his smile slowly faded. I looked up at him and saw a sad expression.

"Tommy, what's wrong?" I ask, worried.

"I love you." He said simply, his expression not changing.

"I love you too Tom." I kissed his lips softly, smiling in the kiss. When I pull away I saw a happier look on his face which made my heart flutter.

"I really need to go though." I told him.

"Oh fine." He moaned.

"I want you to sleep in with me from now on." He said letting go of me walking over to pick up his robe, forgetting his sweater.

"We'll get in a lot of trouble if we're caught." I retorted.

"Then don't get caught." He said simply making me smile.

"Come." He said kissing my cheek, pulling me out the door.

"Don't be late. I'll go and tell our knights the good news." He said with a smirk.

"What would you think if I came up with a new name for them, I'll just brainstorm a few ideas, maybe something that matches the tattoo," I suggested,

"I'd like that. Speaking of tattoos, wrist. Now." He demanded, holding his hand out. I pulled out my left wrist and placed it in Toms grasp. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at my forearm and whispered a spell I couldn't hear. A burning sensation coursed through my arm and I instinctively held onto my arm with my right hand as Tom just stood and watched.

The burning stopped and I looked down to see the dark mark on my forearm and smiled. Looking up to Toms direction, I saw no one there and looked around.

"Sneaky bastard." I whispered to myself, standing up straight and turning to my door before I realised something.

"FISH!" I yelled panicked at where my snake was. I unlocked the door into Toms room and bolted in. After 10 minutes I gave up in there and ran into my own room, locking Toms door in the process.

"FISH!" I yell, hoping to get my snakes attention but to my dismay find nothing. I give up and hope he'll find his way back to me and take off my clothes, getting in the shower.

*Toms pov*

I walk into the room of requirements and smirk to see Payne chained to the floor and my followers circled around him.

"Gentlemen, thank you for joining me. Comfy Payne?" I smirk leaning down to his height. He looks up at me with a slightly shocked expression and freezes.

"Ugh mate? You got a little something..." He trails off looking down at my arm. I look down to where he's looking, out of curiosity.

"Very funny Payn-.. fish?"

[[[[i look down at my arm and say"fISH.WhAt.ThE.FuCk.R.u.DoInG.U.FaRt

"He ReaLy Iszz A fAt LaRD SoMeTiMe/s ps please keep this]]]]]]

So I left my computer with my sister and come back to see that so I'm keeping it. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed the chapter 🐍

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