Chapter 23

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PoV: Shadow

  Sonic had locked himself in the room. No one could get him out. I got in once and found him crying.

"You... What did you say to him!" I growled at the red Bastard who hurt Sonic.

"I said what he needed to hear. You guys might want this to be some freaky orgy, but the rest of mobius needs Sonic to fight. He's a fighter, not a lover. Sonic has to fight against Eggman to protect everyone," he stood up and kicked Sonic's door in.

"Hey!" I kicked him into the wall, cracking the wood to the solid rock, "You've done enough damage. Leave Sonic alone."

"No, Shadow," Sonic grabbed me, "He's right. I can't stay here, I need to fight for those who can't fight on their own. I need to leave, and I know the doesn't sound ideal," his hand was shaking, "but you can come with me. I can't leave without you guys."

"Is this what you want?" I asked and Amber and Emerald jumoed into Sonic's arms.


"Infinite, get everything ready for the move," I ordered.

"Already begun preperations," Infinite left.

"We shouldn't leave our Sonic alone with that one," Eclipse whispered.

"Agreed. One of us has to protect him anything that one's around," I held Sonic close.

  He gripped he and stayed close, he clearly didn't want to go. Tails was very excited that sonic was going back. We packed everything up and left in a few hours. Infinite built us a house in the woods but the beach where Sonic used to live. It have three rooms, a large living room and kitchen. This time, there was a natural hot spring in the backyard. It connected to Sonic's rebuilt shack on the beach.

"Sonic!" That pink bitch was still alive, "Why are you in a dress?"

"I'm gonna go buy some clothes," Sonic left.

"Sonic?" Amy just stood there like the idiot she was.

  I followed Sonic in secret. Infinite was still ordering his creations to put things in their place. I watched as Sonic walked into a store, eyes kept looking at him. I glared back and they turned away. He tried on a few things and looked great in just about all of it. He was looking at the tags. He walked away with only one pair of pants he like. He left the rest behind. I grabbed what he left and tore of the little paper labled. I snapped of the plastic parts that made noise and left with them. I handed then to the laundry servants Infinite made and they washed it all.

"Shadow, when did you-?"

"I always keep a close eye on you," I picked up Sonic who jus spotted his new clean clothes hanging in the closet.

"Sonic, care to explain youself?" That Any brat was here. Again.

"I fell in love with Shadow. That's all there is to know," Sonic nuzzled against me, "Where ever I go, he goes."

"You. I hate you for taking my Sonic away!" She yelled at me.

"He was never yours."

"We're over Sonic the Hedgehog!" She screamed and stormed out.

"We were never together," Sonic sighed.

"Should we go try for a baby again?" I asked.

"I'm still bleeding, sorry. We can snuggle on the couch," he suggested.

"I'm fine with that."

  I laid with him on the couch and he fell asleep. A rock went through our, luckily open, window. I rolled Sonic to sleep on his own and picked up the rock. There was a note.

Meet me on the beach. We're fighting this out.

  I tore it up and threw it away. Sonic didn't need to see that. Ever.


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