Chapter 1

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"Ugh," She groaned looking in the dirty mirror. God those club bathrooms were nasty as hell but I was still leaning on the sink trying to get my heels off. They have been killing me for hours so it was time to give my toes some freedom. "I can never find a lipstick that lasts." She continued while putting lipstick on for the fourth time.

"You should buy one from your dad's industry." I suggested making her glance at me. "What?"

"Are you kidding me, Emily? They test them on little pigs. You know those little guinea pigs." I rolled my eyes. I didn't believe any of that shit. I mean they said they found human flesh in McDonald's food but will I stop eating it? No because it's not real.

"None of that is true." We wanted to continue our 'interesting' conversation but some girl interrupted it by bursting through the door. She was obviously drunk so she went straight for the toilets where she started throwing up. This happens all the time with teenagers: they get drunk, pass out and when the police shows up they are too wasted to run.

"Let's get out of here." Kelsey said while opening the restroom door allowing us to get into the crazy crowd again.

We left our purses at the table and started dancing again even if our shoes were killing our feet. I was wearing a spaghetti strap dress so it was easy to move my body on the music beat. I threw my hands up making Kelsey grab my hips. We looked hot in that moment and I was sure because all the guys were checking us out biting their lip.

The hip-hop music suddenly when silent. I looked around and saw everybody running to the door.

"The cops are here!" The DJ screamed. This wasn't a legal club that's why the police always showed up but never close it because they had a lot of money so all they did was arrest a few kids who were drunk and under 21.

I never feared the cops considering that I was 21 and I always pretended I didn't know the club was illegal. It wasn't hard to guess because of the crappy building and other stuff but even though I was rich, I didn't want to be seen in a fancy club because of my dad.

I had my own apartment in which I was living with my friend, Kelsey and even thought she always brought a stupid frat boy over she was still the best roommate I could ever ask for. She was 20 and I often had to buy her alcohol for her and her 'boyfriends'.

We ran outside real quick but before getting to my car the cops were already holding our hands.

"What do we have here?" The blonde one asked holding a smirk on his face. "Hood, check these out." He continued.

The other cop who was writing a fine for some other kids turned around and approached us.

"We haven't done anything." Kelsey said making me roll my eyes.

"Turn around and lay on the car." The olive skinned one said. I must admit these were the hottest cops I have ever seen.

We both did as they said and as soon as we were laying on the car he grabbed both of my arms and handcuffed them together. I could feel his breath on my neck as he spoke.

"What's your name?" His voice didn't sound American at all. He had more like a kiwi accent but nobody in America is actually 100% American so I wasn't surprised.

"Emily Carter." I replied.

"Emily Carter as in Romulus Carter Inc.?" He asked making me open my eyes wider. How did he know about my dad's company? And that I was his daughter?

I forgot to reply. "We're going to have to call your father." He turned me around and now I could see his entire face. He was so hot, his body was amazing and his jaw line was so prominent. I shook my head and realized he was pointing to the backseat.

"Didn't you hear me?"

"Sorry," I apologized. "What?"

"Get in the fucking car." The tone in his voice when he swore was so overwhelming. It sent shivers down my spine but I didn't mine because now I was in the backseat, handcuffed but with him still looking at me through the little mirror.

With the view of strong hands on the steering wheel I forgot quickly about Kelsey who was now probably in the other police car.

hey i don't even know what this is but I just really needed to write a story where calum is a cop because yeah so i hope you guys like it :)

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