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He was such a fast learner. I wasn't frustrated for long after that. Instead, I was wiggling and squealing, fighting as hard as I could to contain myself. I was failing miserably. He didn't stop with just licking. I received the full royal treatment, like I was some type of goddess he had devoted his life to serving. My unsuspecting love bump was being licked and sucked, rolled around frantically by the end of his tongue. When he needed a break, he'd mouth me and pull my hood gently with his lip. At times he would mouth my entirety licking teasing moving about his lips so that every single part of my tenderness was stimulated to the maximum effect. Good lord, I was in heaven. It spread tingles and excitement through my whole body like a wildfire infection. Starting with a warmth and tingle that was just above my hips. It quickly turned into an inferno of pleasure filling my core and reaching to the ends of my body. I felt like a flooded reservoir seeping at the edges. At any moment the damn would break and release everything in one massive flood of pleasure. My fingers were rolling through his hair. I was beginning to thrust wildly at his face. It wasn't a voluntary action, it was more like instinct, but it didn't detour him at all. My actions actually seemed to drive him on further. All I wanted to do was explode.

He began something new, while continuing to devour me, he slid fingers in and wiggled them wildly. I sat up, moaning and gasping, and looked down at him between my thighs. For a brief second, I thought I seen his sister in the doorway, but when I looked again no one was there. I know it had to be my eyes playing tricks on me, she was at school still. Like and inferno buried deep in my stomach I could feel the heat build and flush over me. I could feel my cheeks flush and my lips soften as I laid my head back onto his bed and closed my eyes overwhelmed by the inevitable. Then as if someone threw a giant rock into a small pool, I could feel the wave pushing out from my abdomen. As waves and ripples reached each end of my body a violent tidal wave swelled and collapsed right through my legs. Tiny flashes erupted in my eyes like billions of little starbursts. I shuttered and my body was no longer my own. My legs locked around his head and everything he did to get free only seemed to intensify the feeling. I had never gotten off so hard before. Finally, my legs relaxed, and he sat up, his face was drenched. I was so embarrassed and apologizing nonstop. He only smiled softly as I tried to tell him I couldn't help myself. When he stood up, I was shocked to see he was standing on end throbbing hard.

I was utterly captivated when he lifted my legs and simply shoved himself into me. Thankfully I was already wet and excited because he was being a little rough about it all. Still, it was so exciting, like a whole new side of him I hadn't seen before. He was wild, raw, a bit controlling a little animalistic. I was really starting to get into it. Sure, every woman wants and needs romance, but the bad boy wild side is just so exciting and tempting. Sometimes you can't help but play with the fire. He really was turning out to be everything wrapped into one. The look in his eyes as he held my knees up and slammed into me over and over just begged me to ag him on. We both exploded at the same time, but instead of going limp like usual he just kept pounding. We hadn't really had any rough sex before, but I was enough and turned on enough not to waste a good thing. He slowed down just enough to allow me to roll over and get up to my knees. He altered between pulling my hips or shoulders and reaching under my chest to grab one of my bouncing breasts. I was being slammed back and forth, rocking on my knees and hips as he drilled into me repeatedly. I had grabbed one of his pillows and was biting into it trying to muffle my moans and screams. My nails were clawing and gripping into his sheets, begging for relief that didn't really want to come. My hair was scattered all about in a mess.

It was like he knew what I wanted better than I did. He slowed down and pushed deeper at just the right times. He sped up going harder and faster at just the right times. He had me screaming into his pillow to keep going. Then he did something he had never done before. He wrapped his hand in my hair and pulled my head back as he went into deep long thrust. It wasn't enough to hurt, but it caught my attention. I clinched down on him so tight he started to groan, but he just kept pushing and I could feel every centimeter of him against my walls. I set my hips, sank my back, and looked at the ceiling gasping as again we both exploded unexpectedly. I didn't loosen up at all and he was buried into me as far as he could go. We were both getting really loud as our bodies convulsed together in pleasure and fulfillment. We slowly leaned forward together until I was laying on my stomach and he on my back. We laid there together laughing at our own exhaustion, drizzled in sweat, and me still holding tightly to him, milking him dry my insides pulsed and pulled. When he finally rolled over, I crawled onto his chest and gave him the most passionate kiss I ever had. I told him I'd best get a shower and go home before everyone got back and started asking questions.

I gathered my things and went into the upstairs bathroom and took a shower. I was smiling to myself the whole time. This day had been simply amazing. When I stepped out of the shower, I was startled to see his sister standing in the bathroom waiting on me. My eyes widened with realization, "You saw us?" "From about the point the blanket slipped off you. You left the door wide open." My cheeks flushed and my gaze feel straight to the floor. "I'm sorry." "I'm not." she said, and then she told me that she always thought I was very pretty and nice, and how she thought her brother was an idiot for dating Brandy instead of me. I asked her what she was talking about. That was when I learned they had been dating since a week before prom.

I was hurt, embarrassed, furious that he could treat me in such a way. I put my clothes back on in a dizzied rush. I was trying to collect my thoughts, but all I could think was how he was dating her and getting his kicks with me. When I walked back into his room he was still straightening up. Just looking at him made my blood boil. I spouted off the minute I stepped into his room. "So, you've been dating Brandy since a week before prom?" He lifted his head from making his bed in a solemn face and simply replied yes. "So, you figured what? You'd date her and sleep with me on the side? Some private two for the price of one kind of thing?" He just stood there for a moment with his mouth gaping open, the dumbest expression ever plastered on his face. I was fuming so I screamed at him, "Answer me!" He kind of stumbled on his words for a second when he spoke. "Well yeah, kind of, that was the deal. I was following your rules." That sank into me like a shotgun blast through the chest. "Well, the fun times are over for you. We aren't doing this anymore." I said to him as I stormed out of his room and ran downstairs in a huff trying to hide back the tears.

I left his house furious, embarrassed, humiliated, and completely wrecked. As mad as I was at him, I was madder at myself. He was right. I set the rules. No matter how much I wanted to ask him how he could do this to me, I had to admit I did it to myself. I knew he truly cared about me. He was just following my rules, my plan. I was the fool who broke the rules. I was the one who didn't speak up while I had the chance. I still didn't speak to him for a long time, partly out of anger and hurt, mainly from humiliation. Our senior year we were distant friends at best, acquaintances on the worst days.

I guess everything we did paid off for him. After graduation, he and Brandy both went to an Ivy school on the east coast. I was a bit more adventurous and attended a fairly popular party college in the southwest. I had a few more boyfriends, a few drunken flings, and in my senior year a one-night stand. No one ever compared to him, no one felt as good or meant as much as he did. I spent a few lonely nights studying and remembering that amazing junior year.

I believe now I should finally explain why I'm taking the time to write this all down. I came home after college to decide what to do about my life and career after graduation. I seen him again yesterday. He apparently split up with Brandy halfway through college. We shared a few laughs before we had to go our own ways. Though he did ask me out to lunch tomorrow. We are a bit older now, a little wiser, and hopefully more mature. While I don't have any definite plans in mind, I must admit a part of me is hopeful that maybe things could be a little better a second time around. Either way, I will always have that one great year to remember.

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