5. Sarah's POV

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I look at myself in my full length mirror. I'm wearing a white top with 'Ash' sprawled across it in black (which makes my pale arms look like paper), blue high waisted shorts and my old red Converse. Simple but effective. I slide my bracelets onto my wrists and get frustrated with the clasp of my infinity necklace, but somehow manage to secure it without me breaking anything.

I let my long ginger hair fall free down by my arms. It looks pliable but I know from experience if I attempt to pull it into any form of a bun, or even a ponytail, at a concert then a) it will fall out anyway and b) it looks like a marshmallow has set alight on top of my head in the concert's lighting. So, for better or for worse, I leave it. I double check my makeup - I need to look stunning when I meet Ashton after the concert. Even though I will probably have ginger hair stuck to my face, but that's besides the point.

My mum calls for me - it's time to go. I make a quiet grunting noise which to me says 'Okay, almost done, give me a minute'. Usually I do talk with people, unlike Emma, but today I have barely said a thing. Why focus on humanity when you can dream about 5sos? I smile at myself in the mirror, surprising even myself at how pretty I look at the moment, and walk out of my room in a daze. Will I introduce myself to 5sos like the classy human being I happen to be sometimes when I feel like it, or should I just bulldoze Ashton and kiss his perfect face? I'm in favour of the latter. 

* * *

Emma and I stand outside the already bustling Wembely Arena, waiting for the other two. I look at what she is wearing: she has her dark hair pulled back in a high ponytail and secured with about five hairbands, as per usual, and her chocolate eyes are crinkled at the ends. Her smile makes her cheeks go chubbier, which I don't mention as I know she'll hate it. It's kind of funny, her cheeks must be where the carbs and everything else which is bad for you collects in her body because the rest of her is as thin as a twig. She wears high waisted shorts like me and a 5sos shirt, like me, so I guess I'm in the right kind of stuff. The only thing unusual about her is that she has no earphones plugged in, which I'm  surprised about. She's been sociable for almost five minutes now.

Emma's eyes widen and she moves her lips to say something, but she is too late.

I didn't realise Alice was there until I get rugby tackled from behind.

"Sarah Emma Sarah Emma I'm so excited we're going to meet them," Alice squeals, jumping up and down. Excitement overcomes me as I bounce along with her, clapping my hands. Emma just stands there, a grin plastered on her face. Alice and I communicate in high-pitched girl talk for about five minutes until we finally decide to save our voices for screaming out words that vaguely resemble 5sos's song lyrics.

Alice wears her short blond hair down too, and I am relieved to see her wearing basically the same thing I and Emma are wearing. She has put a little makeup around her green/grey eyes but most of it has come off already.

We exchange a few fangirly facts when Brydee comes strolling up, grinning in excitement.

Brydee has a mass of thick dark curls that cascade down around her shoulders. She has her frizzy fringe pinned back at the back of her head with a sparkly clip, the way she usually does, and wears a white shirt with the 5sos logo on with shorts and DM's. Her green eyes are dancing with anticipation and she has a goofy smile. A typical, mismatched Brydee look.

I look at our shirts: we all have 5sos logos like we planned it. Every other girl swarming around me and my three friends have the exact same tops on (fangirls really are an imaginative lot when it comes to clothing for a  concert). 

 * * *

We show the security guy our passes, and he holds up a hand to stop us. Only then do I realise his handspan is probably larger than my entire arm. He looks down at me and my friends, takes all of our passes and stares at them for a while. He pulls us to the side as the rest of the fangirls stream into the arena and show thir passes without a problem.

"What's going on?" Emma whispers to me, and Alice says he's checking if we actually are booked for backstage access. 

The buff looking security guard walks back to us, almost robotically, as his arms swing steadily by his side. I catch a glimpse of a name, I think it said Will, written on his bicep, among other ink and colour drawings.

He stares at us intimidatingly for what feels like an eternity. I feel like hiding in a dark corner when he breaks out nto a massive grin. "Your'e the lucky four!" He exclaims in a very camp sounding voice. "I'm Christian. I'll take you to meet the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer after the concert," he says happily. "Who likes Luke most?" His eyes scan us.

Emma's arm shoots up.

"Me, too," Christian winks cheekily at her. I think it was a wink anyway. He's so tall I can't be sure.

"Oh," Emma manages. She looks at me as if to say 'I think he's gay'. I shoot her a look back like 'Congratulations Einstien'.

* * *

Christian ushers me and my three friends through a door when the smell of excitement overwhelms me and the sound of screams makes my ears nearly collapse. We are led to the front of the crowd/mosh pit as I do the math. Four of us girls. Four members of 5 Seconds of Summer. I'll have Ashton. That leaves three and three, they can fight for the Calum, Michael and Luke among themselves.

The house lights dim. The screams multiply and grow louder, and I jump up and down, waiting for the boys to be within reaching distance of me... when the support act comes on. They start singing Cecilia, originally by Simon & Garfunkel, as I catch a glimpse of the curtain moving behind them. I see a hand, then a shoulder, then it disappears, but the curtains haven't been properly drawn, and I catch a glimpse of Ashton, and I swear his green eyes meet mine, just for a fraction of a second. My heart lifts. Ashton Irwin has seen me.

The support act goes off. Then 5 Seconds of Summer are stood infront of me. To say I'm starstruck is something of an understatement - I feel a mix between a shreik and a scream leave my lips but I don't hear it. I'm certain Brydee, Emma and Alice are doing the same. Calum stands to my right, looking perfect in a simple black shirt and grey skinny jeans and roughly spiked hair. Luke stands in the middle (Emma's eyes are glued to him), wearing a blue shirt and black skinny jeans, his blonde hair  gelled up, and Michael stands to my left in a long red top with black skinny jeans, same as Luke, though his red hair is more sideswept. Ashton sits at the back, a grey/green loose vest top revealing his tanned, toned arms. His tousled brown hair cradles his face, and I'm sure I can see his dimples - then I see his eyes scanning my area of the crowd, like he's looking for someone...

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