7. Brydee's POV

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*going back in time a bit*

The concert has finished. I'm so glad I had the sense to pin my fringe back a bit, as I'm sure it would be plastered to my forehead. 5 Seconds of Summer wave goodbye and with that they are gone, and the house lights go up. I look around to see Alice, Sarah and Emma with a ferice fire burning in their eyes - an addictive jumble of being starstuck and letting out adrenalin.

* * *

My voice is hoarse but that doesn't stop me from talking to my three friends when Christian opens the gate for us and ushers us backstage. This moment is so surreal. As we travel further backstage, I hear voices and laughter coming form one of the closed doors. In a few moments we will be going in there to meet 5sos. Christian points us to the sinks so we can at least look presentable and vaguely human for when we meet our idols. He goes into the room and says something to the boys in hushed tones.

Neither me, Sarah, Emma or Alice says a word. We don't need to. What I feel now is impossible to put into words. Everything is where it shouldn't be: butterflies in my stomach, my heart in my throat, sweat lingering on my skin. I splash cold water on my arms and face, thankful I wore waterproof mascara. I close my eyes to dry my face, and as I look into the mirror a jump as behind me the large intimidating monstrosity that is our  gay personal escort grins at my reflection.

"You look fabulous!" Christian says as I bite my lip and attempt to share his optimism. 

"Thanks..." I turn to look at him and smile at him: his grin is just so contageous.

I look over at the other three - Alice is trying to stop her eyeliner from smudging, Emma is quiet, mysterious, staring at the floor with her arms folded, and Sarah has her lips pursed and is as pale as Voldemort. Figuratively speaking. I'm guessing the realisation is setting in. I know it is for me. My stomach churns as the butterflies persist; my heart flutters and the adrenalin makes my hands shake; I feel a cold weight in my chest which I later discover is apprehension. They always say not to meet your idols. What if we don't get along?

Christian demands we follow him, and he leads us to the room. I hold my breath. Not five metres away sit Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford and Ashton Irwin. I release my breath when Christian says we'll get along just fine. At least he has confidence in us. I turn around to my friends who are grinning and squealing. Well, Alice is. Emma bites her lip and trains her eyes on the door, unmoving. Sarah has pushed her way to the back of the group, clenching and unclenching her fists. She is probably trying to keep down a spasm of fangirl-ness.

Then the door opens and my heart stops beating for what feels like an eternity. 5 Seconds of Summer look up at us as Christian introduces each of us. They smile at me when he introduces me, and I smile back, all nervousness replaced with a sense of awe. Alice waves and makes a whimpering sound in the back of her throat. Emma manages a half smile and slight eye contact. She blushes when Christian says Luke is her favourite. Sarah is intoduced last, and her and Ashton just stare at eachother fpr a while. I hear the door shut behind me. Why did Christian leave us with our favourite band members? He must be crazy.

* * *

Sarah continues to stare at Ashton and I really wish she'd stop. I understand she's starstuck - we all are - but she looks at the drummer with such intensity. Only then do I realise he is matching her gaze. I notice my palms are sweaty to I dry them on my shorts before I shake Michael's hand. They all exchange pleasantries with us, and seem genuinely happy to meet us, which is a relief. Michael goes over to Alice and she manages to spark a conversation like a human being despite the fact she looks as if she may faint. They seem to be getting along.

Emma hangs her head, as if she is ashamed, when Luke starts talking to her. He twists his lip ring like he's also nervous, or cautious. Can't really blame him. Assuring Emma he doesn't mind being favoured the most out of the rest of the band, she begins to lift her head and reply to the questions her asks her. A content fire nestles in her eyes and she smiles at him, then she bursts out laughing at something Luke says, his accent lacing his oh-so-smooth words. They've broken the ice.

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