5 years later

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It's been five years since the accident that left me parentless. I always tried to remember more. I remembered seeing headlights, blinding me and the angry roar of an engine, remember feeling a force hit us then remember being thrown from the car and into the lake. There was more, I saw it in my dreams but forgot every time I woke. My therapist said that my brain doesn't want to remember so its blocking it from me, and when I sleep it's guard loosens allowing me glimpses. I don't even know what happened that day, what caused the crash, was it a drunk driver? A speeder? There were to many questions. Who pulled me from the lake? They never found the person that pulled me out.

"Jess? Yo, you day dreaming again"

I looked to the right of me where my best friend Que sat on the old couch we salvaged from a throw out. He had scruffy brown hair that was always under a beanie that matched his eye colour, dark green. He wasn't scrawny. Not at all for a street rat. He had muscle, which made him a good scavenger. I ran away from my aunties house as soon as they adopted me. I've been a rat street ever since with Que.

"Sorry Que. what were you saying?"

He chuckled and wiped some dirt off his cheek and sat back more against the couch, spreading his legs out so his feet were near the drum of fire we had. Our 'house' was in an old abandoned factory. We had the couch and other things we managed to scavenge or steal.

"Nothing Jess. It's alright"

He laid his head back and closed his eyes. I sighed softly and got off the crate I was sitting on and walked over and sat down, laying my head on his chest I wrap my arm around his waist. I felt him go tense and lift his head to look down at me. Slowly, his arm snaked around my waist.

"I'm sorry. Just distracted. Tell me again, I'm listening"

"Well I was just saying that...there's a group. Of street rats that live under the train tracks. We could always...-"

"No. You know what they are like. They're killers not survives. I like it here, with you..."

I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of the fire on my face, the sound of his beating heart pick up pace at my words.

"Then...we stay. Together"

I sighed contently and let myself drift slowly, letting myself fall asleep in his lap. A few hours later I felt a small draft blow up under my jacket causing me to wake slowly. I shuddered and lifted my head slowly and looked at Que. He was in the same position but his head was hanging as he snored gently, causing me to chuckle.

"You'll get a sore neck..."

I smiled and gently laid him down, putting his legs up on the couch. I looked at his face and brushed the hair out of his eyes and smiled again at how dirty his face was. We did have water, he just never seemed to use it. I quickly looked around when I heard something falling over near the entry we use.


I screamed as someone grabbed me from behind and yanked me off the couch jerking Que awake as my legs kicked and accidentally hit him.

"Jess! Hey let her go!"

He jumped up and slammed his fist into the attackers face making him drop me. Que grabbed my hands and pulled me up and pushed me behind him.

"Bad move, Que"

The man stood up and pulled out a gun, holding it at his side. I froze and hugged Que's arm desperately, trying to pull him back.

"He has a gun..."

I whispered and Que glared at the man, backing up a little.

"What are you doing here Jack"

"You owe us, Que. And you haven't payed. So he sent me to collect"


I looked at Que frowning then looked at the man called Jack. You couldn't really see his face, his black hoodie hiding it.

"What is he talking about Que?"

"I will pay! I just don't have the money yet! Just leave Jack! He will get it!"

"Nuh uh. Your to late Que boy"

Jack raised the gun and fired it, Que slipped from my grip and fell to the floor next to me, blood pooling from his jumper on his shoulder.


I kneeled down and pulled his head into my lap, hugging it to my chest blocking him from view.

"You just witnessed a shooting girl. I can't let you live"

He raised the gun again and pointed it at me, in a split second I reacted, kicking the drum over sending the fire crashing onto his pants and feet. He screamed and fell, rolling around to try and put it out.

"Que, come on! Que"

I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around my shoulders, pulling him up. Que groaned and stood up with me, trying his best to run with me as he slumped against me more and more each second. We ran out of the factory and into the street where it rained heavily, the drops falling into my eyes and making me slow down to keep from running into anything.

"Jess...Go on without me..."

I shook my head rapidly as he stopped running and slipped from my grip collapsing on the wet ground.

"Que please! No!"

I kneeled down and hugged his head to me again as I sobbed, seeing Jack walking our way.

"Jess go..."

I shook my head again and laid my forehead on his, sniffling as the rain fell onto my body, sliding down my face as they mixed with my tears.

"I'm not leaving you"

I heard Jack's footsteps stop and closed my eyes, Que's hand grabbed mine and I squeezed back immediately. The gun cocked and then fired.

(Damn this is long! Sorry guys! Got a bit carried away ;) might happen a bit. I'll try not to though)

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