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A sound rung through the air, the sound of something snapping then a piercing pain exploded in my chest, the force knocking me to the ground. I carefully rolled onto my back, panting shallowly as my blood mixed with the water underneath me. I blinked slowly, looking up at the sky as the rain fell, time slowing down. A crackle of lighting went off above us, lighting my body up along with Que's. He laid there, his mouth moving but no sound coming from it, his right shoulder covered in blood and water. I drifted from my body and stood above myself. I laid there, half on my side as I stared at the sky. My blood spreading out, forming an almost angel wing shape. Art. That's what it was. 'The girl of blood and water' it would be called. Many people would see it and try to discover it's story. What it means. All they had to do, was find the one laying there as her world started going black. My sensors dimmed and I heard Que shouting my name. And someone else. A hand on my cheek and a desperate looking Que, tears, or rain running down his cheeks. Another art piece. 'The boy who cried with the rain'. And that is my last thought, before I fell into darkness.

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