The New Symptom

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Hearing the front door open, followed by the sound of footsteps, Dr. Iplier leaned out of the sick ward, letting out a sigh of relief. Wilford looked up, licking an ice cream cone as he strolled past and headed upstairs.

Shaking his head, the doctor turned back to Dark who was holding a few plastic bags, and Anti, who was wearing a black baseball cap that read, 'I Probably Hate You'. "Where did you go?" Dr. Iplier grunted.

Dark shrugged his shoulders. "We were not far. No one-"

"Does it matter?!" Anti cut him off with a giggle. "We're back." He crossed the room and leaned in close to Dr. Iplier, snarling. "We all know neither of you are real doctors. If we want to leave, we will." He shrugged, heading upstairs.

Dark walked closer, watching Anti go before he turned back to Dr. Iplier. "No one was showing any signs of illness. Will needed to stretch his legs-"

"I AM a doctor." Dr. Iplier grunted.

Dark sighed heavily. "Yes."

Pointing to the bags Dark was caring, Dr. Iplier sighed. "Where... did you go?"

"The corner store." Dark explained. "We got snacks and some novelties. Some things that will amaze the Jims, and keep Will entertained for ten minutes."

Dr. Iplier slowly nodded. "Please, just stay here."

Dark smiled. "I am honoring your wishes for me to stay here, because I want you to help the others. If I feel it is in my best interest to leave this mad house, then I will." He stated, before heading for the stairs.

"Which is why I said please!" Dr. Iplier called after him.

Dark looked over his shoulder. "We will see.", and with that he disappeared up the stairs.

Dr. Iplier sighed, heading back into the sick ward, raising an eyebrow as he noticed Marvin sitting up and pointing across the room. Turning to look, Dr. Iplier ran to King's cot, as the man squirmed in his bed, fighting with the blankets. "King?"

Letting out a whine, King stopped fussing, looking up at him sleepily. "I'm hot."

Dr. Iplier laid a hand across the man's forehead, nodding. "Yes, you are." He sighed, helping to pull the covers off of him. "You need to rest."

"Resting is lame!" Yan cried out.

Dr. Iplier groaned. "But Senpai wants you to rest."

"So?" Yan muttered.

"So..." Dr. Iplier froze, then frowned, looking over. "Don't you want to make Senpai happy?"

Yan shrugged his shoulders. "I don't care."

Frowning, Dr. Iplier left King's side and walked to Yan's cot. "The only thing you care about is your Senpai..."

Yan tilted his head. "That sounds stupid."

Dr. Iplier nodded, slowly leaving the room. As he got to the hallway, he quickly dashed into the office, shaking Dr. Schneeplestein. "Vhat? Vhat!" The good doctor huffed.

"It's worse." Dr. Iplier whimpered.

"Vhat?" Dr. Schneeplestein sighed sleepily, rubbing his face with his hands.

"Yandereiplier doesn't care about his Senpai!" Dr. Iplier frowned.

Dr. Schneeplestein sat up, slowly putting on his glasses and glared at the other doctor. "You voke me up... for zhis?"

Dr. Iplier nodded. "Don't you get it?"

"You are a nutbar?" Dr. Schneeplestein shrugged. "I get zat."

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