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i remember wandering around your house, treading ever so lightly, my small feet pattering against the green carpet, careful as not to shake your cabinets full of fine china that you took great pleasure in collecting.

i remember the first time that you were in hospital. my mother crying by your bedside, i still a child, unknowingly eating the chocolates that you received as a gift but handed to me instead

you were just like that.

selfless ; and i admired that greatly. i still do.

when you weren't in a good mood, you would talk about my hair, whether it be slightly tangled or covering my eyes. you would find little things to snap about. we would simply laugh it off because that was just you and your coping mechanism.

i remember the hour long journey's to your home in the summer, spending days outside, laughing and talking. being with you.

i remember your garden, your prized possession. every day without fail, you would water and protect your plants, even as far as going outside at 11pm in minus temperatures to cover your flowers.

you were just like that.

i wish for those memories to never leave my head for if they leave, i may forget the unconditional love you showered everyone in, even when they didn't deserve it.

i wish to be like that.

i remember the funeral. you requested single roses to be laid on your coffin, a coffin which had a delicate cat engraved next to your name.

i remember laying awake that night, miles from home thinking how cruel and unfair it was for you to be sleeping out there, while we were inside in warmth.

i remember you.
i will never forget.

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