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you can adore her miles beyond your heart's capability and still be forced, ripped apart with a mere ' goodbye. '

and her features will contort, they will be unpleasant and show destain. the ground will feel as if it is splitting ; she will protest and insist that you were handcrafted to love her.

she will feel a thousand sparks of anger and toss them your way. she will speak unimaginable words yet you will still find her beautiful.

and you will still be in love with her.

you will still think about her and of the future that will never become a reality, because no matter how hard you try to convince yourself you are,
you are not soulmates.

there will be days where things fall into place.

you will watch her laugh uncontrollably, a laughter that she despises yet you find wonderful.

you will kiss her while fires rage inside of your stomach, a fire that has flickered over the years yet brought a reminiscent feeling like the day that you first met.

and there will be days where you wish for a split second that you were destined to be hers for the rest of your damned life but however hard that you try,
the universe is not so pleasant.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2019 ⏰

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