part 6

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There is a heart shape hanging in the air but there was only a small piece inside and it was black and had a lot of scratche

Raph:What is this giant thing?

Donnie:It's a heart

Raph(Angrily wraps for where Donnie is):I know it's a heart genius but ...(He turns to the heart with sad looking)But it's not supposed to be that way ... not for Mikey

Leo puts his hand on Raph's shoulder
Leo: I know, so we have to find Mikey and talk to him, so we can fix it


The three brothers were walking in a thick darkness and suddenly pictures appeared around them but they were not clear:
Donnie: Look at this

Leo: The pictures are not clear but I can tell that these are us

Raph:: yes they are us
The images began to clear up little by little

Donnie: Oh, the pictures are starting to be clear

in the picture:
Mikey:Raph stop, Give me back my teddy bear

Raph:hahaha I won't


Raph:alright alright take it,what annoying brother you are (he throw it hard)

Mikey:......thank you Raph(smile)
He runs to his room and locks the door and cries

Leo: Ha, when did this happen ????

Raph:This was when he was in third

Donnie: Oh look there is more everywhere, and it makes a road !!!

in the picture:
Mikey was stretched out on the ground and playing with his toys. Leo did not notice him because his eyes were closed and he fell because of him

Mikey:Leo are you okay?

Leo:Mikey, you idiot I signed because of you

Mikey: I'm sorry Leo I'm really.......

Leo: Do not talk to me!!!!!(screaming angry)

Mikey(flinch for a second):.......o-ok
Leo left, and Mikey went to his room and began to cry

Leo (with amazement and sadness): I remember this ... ... And it was not his fault but my fault

Donnie: What do you mean?

Leo: That day I was very angry and threw my anger at him and he didn't do anything to me

Donnie: Didn't you apologize to him?

Leo: No ..... I thought it.....he...... (can not complete)

Raph: Uh there's one here

in the picture:
Mickey (screaming and crying): Donnie !!! My teddy bear

Donnie Frighten and broke his experience:
Donnie (angrily): What do you want !!!

Mikey (terrified): Raph has rip my........
He raises the teddy bear to show it to Donnie, and he takes it away and tears his hand

Mikey (He was shocked and didn't understand what happened):........Eh!!!?

Donnie: This is your punishment, now take your rubbish and get out!!

He take he's teddy bear and went to his room and began to cry

Donny could not speak a word and so was Raph and Leo
They walked and looked at the pictures and whenever they saw more of it, the more they felt their heart hurt them

Leo: No wonder Mikey hates us we have been doing terrible things to him all the time

Donnie: And worse than that we did not apologize to him but he did, even it's not his fault

Raph: There is even worse than this ....... We used him to empty our anger ever time we didn't give him a break from us .....

The three were silent because of their mistreatment to their little brothers and they began to doubt the possibility of the return of everything as it had been before ... or even to accept Mikey to forgive them

The brothers walked silently as they watched all their horrendous acts on their little brother's
Suddenly Donnie's attention draws a scene a few days ago

Donnie: is that Mikey real face ??? !!!
And here they know how much the face of there brother are depression
And Raph saw the conversation started occurred between him and Mikey in that morning

In another one, they saw him talking to his ice cream cat Then they saw him when he heard their conversation in the kitchen

They began to move through the pictures until they reached a completely dark end
No one could say anything. It was very painful. All these feelings. All this hatred. All this crying. There were no words to express the extent of the pain and suffering they suffered during those memories for a moment. In one moment they thought of killing themselves. They could not bear to become heavy and their bodies cold. They need something that breaks this horror something radiant brings back the joy ... And what is the time until something radiant amid this darkness It was the color of the sun was very warm

The three brothers looked at this radiant and warm thing. They felt so safe and peaceful that they felt that everything would be fine

They looked good and it was there young brother, as he roamed in the air with his feet and his eyes closed, seemed to enjoy a quiet and peaceful time.
Thank you for reading my story and I'm sorry because i update really slow

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