This, My Dear, is College{14}

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"Ready babe?" Justin was casually waiting in my driveway as I walked out in some vans, uncomfortably short shorts, and an oversized flannel. In order to come off as a college kid, I obviously had to dress the part, and me and Melinda googled what I should wear and this type of outfit was the first to come up.

"To be honest, no. This is a college party, Just! I just stopped going to birthday parties where they paint your face and pixie sticks were the only thing you were snorting, not drugs!" I exclaimed and sat in his car, obsessively picking at my nail polish to ease my nerves.

He put the car in drive and said "College isn't as bad as the movies, maybe as crazy, but not nearly as bad or scary. The worst thing that will happen to you is a frat boy with a raging case of herpes hitting on you. Will you stop that?" He said and smacked my hand down, successfully swerving into the other lane and almost murdering us.

"I value our lives above my nail polish Alamia, so if I were you I would keep the eyes on the road and not on my hands. Now is there any chance that we can turn around, I can change into some sweats, and pretend that I never agreed to do this with you"

"Too late, babe"

"And why's that?"

"Well, we're already here" I looked up from my lap to see a trashed front lawn and a house with Greek lettering on the from door.

"This frat is called Teek?" I said as we walked out, stepping around a girl puking in a bush and a couple practically having sex in public.

"Yep, it's the biggest party fraternity on campus. You, being a sophomore in high school, should know it's a privilege to be here. In case anyone asked, you're a psychology major at Monclair State. Keep your head down and stay by me. Don't take any drinks unless I give them to you and if you see Nick, pretend you're having the time of your life, even if you think you're about to shit yourself" Justin said and he opened the door, "this, my dear, is college"

It smelt like vomit and cheap beer, I expected nothing less. The bass was shaking the house and it was packed from wall to wall and all lights were off. Colorful strobe lights were placed throughout the room as the only source of light, and I wondered how in the world I would find Nick in this crowd.

Justin handed me a red solo cup, and gave me the look of 'chuck it or I'll strangle you' so I took a deep breath and drank the whole cup in a fraction of a minute, burning my throat.

"What the hell was that, it just killed my taste buds" I screamed at him.

"I don't know, I just picked it up off the ground" he said and my eyes got wide and I began to freak out. He chuckled and screamed "kidding! It was straight fireball, you should start to feel it any minute now" he said and I smacked his arm as he tugged me to his friends who he miraculously found in this crowd.

"Hey Kiera" Jacob said, obviously inebriated and hanging off of some girl in a form-fitting dress with the back cut out.

"Jacob, you look dapper tonight" I said, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. The music began to feel increasingly more infectious, and I starting dancing along to the beat.

To be honest, I wasn't just dancing alone. I was grinding on someone, not Justin, who was off talking to another girl, but someone I had no idea the identity of. I was drunk, way too drunk for Justin to just leave me alone, and the mixture of the bass and the warm body behind me was toxic.

I turned around to see who it was and couldn't believe who was behind me. There he was, in all his glorious infamy, Nick.

So I did the best thing drunk Kiera thought she could do.

I grabbed him, pulled him close, and kissed him hard.

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