Boyfriend scenes Husband scenes Daddy scenes

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 Ben and I  have been together for years . One thing I love about this is His scenes. 

Boyfriend scenes 

It was I sunny day in Aurdon . So the purple head girl and her boyfriend decide to go to the beach . Ben was in the water showing his purple head queen what he could do. Just then a guy came up to her. 

Guy: Hellooooo pretty thing 

Mal: Gooood Byyyeeeee before I kick you in the nutssss 

Guy: I like the girls that are hard to get 

Before the fairy had time to come back with something . Her boyfriend walked up to them.

Ben: She asked you to leave 

Guy: So

Ben: Than back off before I beat you up 

Guy: Oh yah pretty boy.

Ben: Yah 

Mal: Benny he's not worth it

Ben: your rigth baby girl but let me do one thing okay

Before she could say any thing else the KIN punched the pervert boy right in his nose .

Mal: Benny 

Ben: Ya 

Mal : How did you know what was going on you where all the way over there

She pointed to the water that was a good  1 mile away

Ben: it was my boyfriend scenes 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But then when we got married he had his husband scenes.Ben was away on a trip that i could not go on because a was pregnant  with the twins. so I was hormonal with be in a big castle by myself. Well I was not all the way by myself there was Belle and Beast, there was also the servers,then everyone else like the girls and the boys .  But nun of them were Ben . Then I thought of how fat I was and how much I ate and started to cry. Just then Ben called.

Mal: Benny?

Ben: Hey Baby why you crying

Mal: Because your all the way in some kingdom and I'm fat and I eat like a pig.

Ben: Hey baby look your not fat and No you don't eat like a pig. Your eatting for you and our two little princesses okay

Mal: Okay

Ben: That' my girl

Mal: Hey Benny

Ben: Ya 

Mal: How you know I was crying

Ben: Husband scene 's 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When our little girls came into this world then came husband and daddy scene's . It was our girl 1st birthday and everyone sent them gifts form people in the kingdom to people from the isle.  Ben being Ben made sure that they all where going to get checked.Even the ones from family friends he had checked Then when it was party time we let the girls in the baby play area with the other babys. Witch  Ben was not so happy about because the others already had kids mostly boys. We were not the last to get married we were the ones who could wait tell after the wedding. Evie and Doug have two children One boy and girl. The irl is only three mounths older than the girls but . Their little guy was 3 years old now. He was the first out of our group to be born. Then Carlos, Jay, Harry, and Gil have only boys! Ben tells me all the time how he wants a boy, Audrey told me Chad dose the same . Were the only ones with girls . Their the best of friends along with E's little girl.

Ben: Girls No !

I turn around to see the girls walking. Something they gotten every good at that.

Mal: Let them be Benny.

Ben: No they could get hurt.

Mal I laugh with everyone else the floor is foam . It so when the when we have guest with their families the babies can play with out getting hurt.

I take the girls form him . They get mad when they can't do what they want.

Mal: I know girls we have to wait tell daddy goes  with your uncles next week to start doing the fun stuff like magic

The clap their little hands . Making everyone but Ben laugh  . 

Ben: No No No 

FG; Ben we have to start soon or they start doing it while you two are sleep and can't help them.

Ben: No No No I have to do any and everything to protect my girls . 

He comes to us giving use all kisses wrapping his arm around use. 

Ben: It's 

Everyone: Daddy scenes and husband scenes 

The End

A/N : H loves hope you enjoyed please leave some ideas this one came to me watching Barbie's Life In A Dream house with the kids I was Babysitting.

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