The woods

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I walked further into the cold woods, clutching my injured arm. I looked around... I was scared. I found a rock and slowly slid down. My ears were ringing and my vision was blurry. I let a tear slide down my cheek. For the first time I was completely alone. I wanted so much to just curl into a small ball and hide in a dark place, away from this terrible world. I closed my eyes. Then I heard a loud moan.

Shoot! Walkers!

I had completely forgotten about them for a split second. I painfully stood up and began to walk towards an opening in the trees on the top of a hill. The walkers didn't see me. I made it to the top of the hill. I looked down and there was a small cabin house in the middle of an opening that was surrounded by skinny trees. I walked a bit faster down the hill, trying carefully not to trip and fall.

Then I stopped. What if someone lives here? I continued slowly. I climbed the porch steps up to the door. There was a window right next to it. I knocked on the door.

"Hello?" I yelled... No one answered.

I looked into the window.


I flew backwards and rolled down the porch steps. Someone shot the window and the glass stabbed my face and arms. I couldn't move. I was lying in an awkward position (from tumbling down the stairs) and I think my right arm was broken. Great... A group of people walked out of the house and surrounded me. Three of them were holding guns. Oh no...

My vision was blurry and there was a ringing noise in my ears. I blinked twice and my vision was better. I could see the group arguing, but my hearing was still shit. After about ten seconds there was less ringing and I could make out what they were saying.

"Why'd you shoot Nick?! Now we have to find wood to cover up that window!" A man with a southern accent said to the man who nearly shot me, I guess his name was Nick.

"I tried to shoot next to the window, Ya know, to scare her off!" Nick yelled.

"Well you did a great fuck'n job, you didn't shoot the window at all!" The other man said.

I'm still lying on the ground while they're standing around, yelling about a shattered window.

"Why are you two arguing about the damn window when there's a girl laying on the ground?!" A black pregnant woman yelled at the two men arguing.

"Your right, your right. Sorry." The man with the accent apologized.

"Who are you?" He asked. They all stared at me. I stared back. My face grew worried.

"Just answer him and we won't have to get angrier than we already are." Nick said getting frustrated.

"I - I'm Clementine..." I said softly.

"What're you doing here, Clementine?" The man asked.

"I w- was just going t - to see if anyone was here..." I said.

"What made you think that some random group of people I'm the woods was willing to help you out? Are you stupid or something?" The pregnant lady said.

"I - I'm sorry! I've just had a rough few days, everyone I know is gone, I'm all alone now. I was just looking for help. But if you don't wanna help, you can just let me go." I said.

"No. We can't trust you. You could be working for Carver. We can't risk that. Your staying here. But don't expect us to be nice. We didn't need another mouth to feed." The man said.

"But-" I tried to protest but they didn't let me speak. I closed my mouth and looked at the ground frustrated. This was so unfair. They took me to a shed.

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