Chapter 4

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Daniella wondered if they'd let her decide if she wanted a few more weeks off after Hotch gave her the month off. She confided in someone about her fear and everything else that kept her awake the majority of the time.

"Sweetheart, you will be relieved when your results," the doctor said with a smile. "Just relax. You've done great so far. You overthought this too much, and you were frightened by the same dream over and over again.

Someone came in with her results, and the doctor checked them over with a smile. She sat next to her.

"Insomnia is curable if you take care of yourself," she said. "When you have a night terror, talk to someone about it. Even though insomnia can be genetic, you don't have it. You were afraid it would happen to you, which caused you to stay awake. What you need is a good night's rest. Remember to always talk to someone or take a break when you need it."

She gave Daniella her results and she embraced the doctor in a hug. She was happy and relieved.

"Am I able to go back to work?" Daniella asked.

The doctor nodded with a smile and gave her the note to return to work. The next day, she returned to work feeling much better and much happier. She missed work, her friends, and her coffee shop walks.

"Oh, you look great," Prentiss smiled, giving her a hug when she walked in.

"Thank you," Daniella said as she walked away. "Is Hotch here?"

"In his office like always," Prentiss said, sitting down. "But first, talk to me."

She laughed softly, sitting down and talking to Prentiss about a few things. She told her about a few changes in her diet, and Prentiss was shocked.

"Okay, once we have some free time, I'll take you up on that offer for Greek food."

Daniella smiled, placing her bag down on her desk. She grabbed a few papers and went to Hotch's office, knocking before walking in.

"Hey, welcome back," Hotch said, giving her a hug. "How are you?"

Daniella smiled. "I'm feeling better, way better."

She handed him the doctor's note and a few other papers, and he signed them, putting them away in one of the drawers. She talked to him about a few things, and Hotch listened intently.

"I'm glad you're doing better," Hotch said. "Can you do me a favor?"

Daniella nodded. "Anything."

"Don't stress too muchm we were worried," Hotch said. "If you need a break, tell me."

She smiled a bit. "Duly noted."

She went back down to her office to see the paperwork. She sighed, not in disgust but in content, and she sat down, getting started.

Reid walked in, noticing her immediately. He smiled and walked up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to him.

"Hey," she smiled, getting up.

"You're back," he said, giving her a quick hug. "How are you?"

Daniella drank some of her water. "I'm good. I went to the doctor, and it looks like everything's okay. No insomnia, nothing. "

Reid nodded. "That's good. I'm glad you're back."

"I'm happy to be back," she smiled, blushing a bit. She looked away from him and went back to doing her work.

Reid looked at her and he checked her features. He liked how she kept to herself, and he admired how hardworking she was. He liked how she was nice to everyone, even after the terrible things she went through.

Insomnia | Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now