Chapter 5

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Daniella was ripping paper after paper, and everyone looked at her as if she had grown a second head. She ignored them and continued to rip papers until she was completely annoyed by the stares.

"What?" She snapped, startling everyone.

No one said a word as Elle came down the stairs with a smirk. "Miss me?"

Daniella looked at her. "Absolutely not."

Elle embraced everyone and rolled her eyes at Daniella. "There's little hope in that, my friend."

She rolled her eyes and sat down, her back turned to them. She tried to do her work and Elle patted her head in a mocking way. "You'll feel better after a small treat."

Daniella stood up, grabbing Elle's wrist before she could pat her head again. "I'm not a dog. Go feed someone else that bullshit."

She shoved Elle away. Elle was not too happy at that gesture.

"Elle," Derek warned, stepping in front of Elle. "Let's go."

Reid glanced at Daniella before looking at Elle and turning to see if Rossi or Hotch were anywhere nearby.

"Just leave her alone," Reid sighed. "Why fight when we can all get along?"

Elle looked at Reid before smiling.

"I'm leaving anyway. "I have to get my things from Delaware," she smiled, grabbing her things. "I'll see you guys soon."

She left, and Prentiss looked at Daniella, who just shook her head, her legs bouncing up and down. She was angry, and Elle's sudden appearance was causing her a great amount of stress.

Reid's phone rang, and he answered it.

"Hey Jodie," he says, stepping away from them shortly.

Daniella tuned Reid out, and Derek gave Reid a knowing look, but Reid ignored him.

"Actually, I'd love to, but I don't have anything planned," he smiled.

Hotch called out for Daniella, and she sighed before going. She closed the door and sat down.

"I need you to try to get along with Elle when she gets back from Delaware," Hotch said. "I'm aware of the note and file she left. She will be reprimanded."


He shook his head. "We are a team. You may not solve your issues today or tomorrow, but you guys will have to get along soon. I'm sorry."

Daniella nodded. She knew Hotch was right, but she wouldn't admit that out loud. She stayed quiet as she grabbed Elle's paperwork. It was already night, and she left the BAU in a hurry. Before Reid could follow her, Morgan stopped him.

"Pretty boy," he chuckled. "What's going on with you and that pretty woman over there?"

Reid looked at him. "Nothing, we're just friends."

Derek gave him a look, and Reid shrugged.

"I have a date with Jodie. Good bye," Reid mumbled, not understanding what his friend was insinuating as he walked to the elevators.

Reid and Jodie had a movie date, and it ended with Jodie kissing him goodnight. Spencer felt weird and didn't feel right. He gave her a small smile as she walked into the building she lived in, giving him a small wave.

Meanwhile, Daniella woke up and noticed she had only slept 20 minutes.

"Not this again," she sighed, sitting up.

She ran out of Nyquil and she slammed the bottle on the desktop. She threw everything on her bed and turned off the light.

An hour passed by, and she decided to take a shower. She changed, grabbed clean clothes and placed extra clothes in her bag. She grabbed her ID and a water bottle, heading down to the BAU.

She knew Hotch would take her off the field if she wasn't sleeping. She sighed and stepped foot into the BAU and headed up to the sixth floor. She walked in and sighed, looking at the paperwork.

She finished her paperwork and she started on Elle's. She looked at the time to see it was 3 in the morning. She put her head down on the desk.

Her worst fear was becoming a nightmare. A nightmare she couldn't stop.

Time flew by and Derek was the first one to arrive and notice her. He gently shook her awake, and she let out a sigh. She lifted her head up and looked at him. He sighed when he noticed her eyes were rimmed red.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She stayed quiet, debating whether to tell him or just lie. He pulled a chair up in front of her, letting her know he was there to listen.

"I'm not okay," she said quietly. I've had this problem as a teen and ever since I went undercover, I think it's gotten worse. We see many awful things. We save people's lives, we put the bad guys away, and we end up worse than them. This job is mentally exhausting Derek. Every time we get a bad case, time is always running out quickly, and I don't ever want to be too late because of time.

Derek sighed and listened to her. "Daniella, you can't let this get to you. It's gotten worse for you because you keep quiet and don't talk to anyone. You build up these walls that stop us from trying to help you, and if I'm honest, you shouldn't do that. Even when things go bad, we're all here for you. I'm here for you and there isn't any judgement. "

Daniella nodded, and Derek pulled her in for a hug. "You'll be okay."

Daniella hugged him back, and she blinked back her tears before moving away. "Thank you."

He nodded and she got up to go to the restroom with her bag. She changed, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and brushed her hair. She sighed and put concealer under her eyes to cover any signs of sleep deprivation.

She looked at her reflection before going back out to her desk. She noticed Prentiss was there and she gave her a smile. She sat down and finished doing Elle's paperwork.

Reid was working and Hotch came out of his office.

"Daniella, Reid, and Prentiss."

They all went to Hotch's office, and he handed them a file.

"I need you three to go undercover," Hotch said. It's a church, and you guys will be child interviewers. Get some rest. "You guys will leave tomorrow in the morning.

They nodded and went to their desks. She grabbed her things and left.

Jodie and Spencer were having a heated make-out session; Jodie was being pushy, and Spencer moved back.

"Jodie," he breathed out. "I can't."

Jodie sighed and got off of him. "You don't want to."

Reid sat up and looked at her with a small smile. He wasn't feeling anything towards her.

"I just.. don't want to continue this. I'm sorry," Reid said, looking at her. "I just can't."

Jodie nodded. "It's fine."

Spencer looked at her and noticed she was upset. She grabbed her things and put on her shoes.

"Jodie," Spencer sighed,

Jodie looked at him and gave him a small smile. "I have work. I'll see you around."

She left his apartment, and he sighed, knowing he had hurt her. He just couldn't feel anything for her. He didn't know why.

The only word that stood by him was Daniella.

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