[18] - Thats Just It, Stranger...

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other friend (damon) | stranger | cooper | alex


"Hey dude, your phones ringing."

"I'm in the middle of Apex. Who is it?"

"Some guy named Alex. Is this that gay hook up thing Cam was tellin' me ab—"

"Give me the phone—"

"No, it's the giiirrrrlllll he's been 'talking to'. I think he's just trying to put off coming out of the closet, honestly."

"I'm gonna answer it."

"Damon, I swear. Hand over—"


"...hello? Stranger?"

"Hey, it is a girl!"

"No way."

"I'm not joking."

"Lemme see."

"Guys, stop."

"Are you his girlfriend?"

"Yeah what's the dealio between you two?"

"Um..were just friends."

"Oo, bro. You're stuck in the friend zone. That sucks."


"Ow! The hell was that for?"

"You guys are assholes."


"Hey, you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. We're those your friends?"

"Two of the three annoying pains in my ass, yeah. What's up?"

"If you're busy I can go.."

"No, it's alright. I stepped in another room."

"So—so how are you? How has your day been?"

"I'm good? Days been good..."

"...everything ok?"



"Yeah-Yes. Everything's fine."

"What actually is—"

"Have you ever just been...stuck. Like you're at this certain point in life where it's just..so bland and all the negative things happening around you don't really matter anymore because you're so use to them? Anything positive that comes out of a day surprises me."

"Move to Eastmoor."

"I can't just drop everything and leave—"

"Why not?"

"That's not how life works, Stranger. There's just over a month left of school and I've still got to get enough money to rent an apartment and pay off student loans before doing anything or going anywhere."

"Let me help."

"You're doing so much already. There's a lot of stuff on your plate right now. Working two jobs, going to college, caring for your sick dad. I can't get in the way of that."

"You wouldn't."

"I don't need your help with this. I'll just have to stick through all of it, past the negativity, till school ends then I'll be heading over there as soon as possible."

"But what if you're too torn down by the end you don't even want to try?"

"I don't want you worrying about this."

"How can I not? One night I get a phone call by this depressed girl wanting to kill herself because of a bad situation she was in, now I'm gonna worry about people wearing her down so much to the point those thoughts surface in her mind again. But this time, they might over power what I have to say."

"I think you're reading into it too much.."

"No I'm not, Alex. You can't deny the fact that you've felt the urge to leave everything behind."

"That's just it, Stranger."


"I wouldn't be leaving anything behind."

Hey guys! As you can probably tell, I've put in a key at the top of every chapter in this book to hopefully make it a bit easier to follow along. I also did that because there are gonna be some chapters, like this one, where Strangers's friends will be in a scene together so I needed a way to differentiate them instead of their dialogue being in regular text.

• Stranger's friends really like 'making fun' of him about him "being gay" (even though he's not) and Alex is slowly slipping back into her old self being depressed.

• How much longer do you think she'll last in Stormrock? Is she really gonna move to Eastmoor?
• Is breaking up with Declan coming around to bite her in the ass?
• What's going to happen next?

Until next time


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