Kent and I were playing online games late in night. Past 12am. We were set. Our headsets in. On call. It was a FaceTime call but other then that we had everything set so he can corporate. First time playing a game for him that I go hard on. I wasn't letting him ruin my reputation so I was yelling at him through the call.It wasn't long till I woke up my mom who told me to shut up and go downstairs to play my game. Not in a friendly way.
Kent waited for me. Bring everything I needed downstairs as he patiently waited for me. "Hurry up. I'm losing my mojo." He says as I started up my PS4.
"You took my kills. That's not luck." I said back as I load in the game. "Oh well then you're my luck." I roll my eyes. "We're in a ongoing match. Imma get some snacks."
From the pantry I heard him talking to himself. I laugh to myself. When I came back my niece was in a blanket in front of the screen as they both were swaying their heads. "What are you guys doing?" I asked coming in view and taking a seat. "Mind your business." She says turning around. "Yeah. We're starting." Kent chimes in finally taking the game serious. I didn't mind. As I played she climbed on my lap and started to drift off. "You're both are cute." Kent commented.
"That means you focusing on the wrong objectives." I added because we were losing by a game point.
"Remember. We're playing Ranked!" I scolded him. "I know. I'm not dead yet."
It started to become more late that it'll probably be problematic to sleep with only a few house of sleep needed. "I'm calling it. Play tomorrow?" I asked as I was already quitting everything. Turning off the Tv. "Yeah sure." He says as I picked up Rosita and carried her to my room to sleep with me. As we were still on call.
I set her on the bed and place me my MacBook facing the way as I changed. "Nice wall." I heard Kent said. "Shut up. I'm changing." I whispered. "Would've been a better view." He says as I come in view. "Shut up Kent." I whispered again. "Don't call me that. Call me Charles. Or Charlie." He says getting comfortable on his bed. Shirtless. I couldn't see much but what a sight to see. I was just in a Tank top but I usually sleep shirtless and or just in underwear. Sometimes nude but I have someone else on my bed.
"Alright Charles. Night." I said smiling back at him. "Night." He whispers back.
I woke up to a alarm. Wasn't mine since I didn't need one. Though I looked around and I hear Charles through the call. "Sorry. That was mine. Go back to sleep." He says getting up. I look over the laptop. Rosita must've went back to my sisters room. So I undressed in my underwear. "Are you getting naked?" Charles asked with a towel over his shoulder. "I sleep in briefs." He nods and walks in his bathroom. He doesn't close the door and from the view I see him turning his shower on through the mirror. I stared.
Then he started undressing where I just ended there.
I was too tired to be like this.
It was long till I woke up with a beam of light peaking through the curtains. God I hated the curtains.
I showered and dressed. I was still feeling tired as my mom had the help make breakfast this morning. They've prepared me a muffin and espresso to go as soon as I walked downstairs awfully later than I usually do. They've even tossed me my keys and I was out before getting a kiss goodbye by my niece.
I pulled out the driveway, out the gate and onto the road within seconds.
Incoming call from Kent

Teen FictionAlex is a high school student who is well known in the public's eye because of his families wealth and power. A lot of drama erupts and it's messy for him while he struggles with his relationships. Especially his intimate relationship with his te...