I walked into Alma's room after knocking. She turns to see me and turns back to do makeup. "What should I wear? All black?" She joked which made me laugh. I was wearing all black. "Fuck it." She says getting up and goes into her closet. I follow and she picks out a all black outfit."You should hurry up." I suggested. "I'm trying. I woke up late." She says throwing her clothes on her bed and stripping her clothes off to change in front of me. Which wasn't anything new.
Charles walks in behind me. "Alex can I-oh I'm sorry." He says as he sees Alma. "It's fine." She says as I push Charles out and closing the door behind me.
"What?" I asked as I walked back to my room. "What do you mean what? We haven't talked. I had to cancel yesterday because a emergency and you haven't told me that you told him yet." He says making me sigh.
"Yeah I did told him." I said raising my hand to strike his cheek like he did mine.
"What's that for?"
"For hitting me yesterday." I said as he rolls his eyes. "Well you deserved that."
"I know but I'm not gonna let you hit me." I said.
"Why not?" He asked. "What the fuck you mean why not?" He takes the seat next to me on my bed. "How many times have you cheated on me? And for what? Because you were horny? Not can I do something that feels like what you do to me?" He asks curiously. Honesty I still don't know. I feel like I like him a lot but I can have him whenever I want. That I can have anyone whenever I want.
"I'm ready." Alma says walking in without knocking to probably get back at Charles walking in on her.
" I'm head out. Stay if you want. I don't give a fuck." I said as I walk out my room. Leaving him as he drops to lay on my bed.
Thomas opens the door for us as we get in the car that was already waiting on us outside. "Wow I feel like a celebrity." She says as her guard opens the door for us. "You practically are one since we're going to have a abortion." I said as she chuckled.
"Do you want anything when you guys are finished?" Her guard asked as Thomas was already driving.
"Yeah thank you. McDonald's would be fine." She says. "What do you want from there." She asked as she pulls out her phone to type it out. She takes down her order along with mine.
Thomas pulls up to the place. "Fuck." I said as I see a few middle aged people sitting outside in the cold all warmed up and really to harass us for 'murdering.'
"Yolo." I said I got out first with Alma's guard. I go over to open the door for her and her guard leads us past the people who just started shouting. "I'm bouta kill this 9 week year old baby." Alma says joking around. Trying to provoke them. Making us laugh.
We enter and head to the receptionist.
Alma's guard leaded us to the car. The protester were gone as we came outside. Which I thought Thomas probably had something to do with it.
We enter the car to the bags of McDonald's in our seat. "Thanks." We said as we started munching.
We headed inside as we got home. Going through the garage inside and Joshua was in our way. "Are you guys fucking kidding me?!" He asked. I pushed him away from us. "Fuck off. It's not that time!" I said moving way for Alma. "No! What? Do I not have a say in wh-"
"No you don't. It's her body! Why the fuck are you like this? You're not even religious and neither is your mother." I said as he shakes his head.

Roman pour AdolescentsAlex is a high school student who is well known in the public's eye because of his families wealth and power. A lot of drama erupts and it's messy for him while he struggles with his relationships. Especially his intimate relationship with his te...