letter 1

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I sat infront of the dusty desk. I really didn't have time to clean it. I really was in a hurry to write to you since i should be studying for the mid terms. But the desire to write to you was harder to ignore than a failed exam. As i hurry to grab the pen and write on a piece of paper. My mind's too full of thoughts. The things i wanted to tell too many for just a tiny piece of paper. I took a deep breath and wrote what seems to fill my mind.

"to comrade c1,                            12/2/2003
       I know you're leaving tomorrow and you've packed your bags i really havent decided what to give you as a remembrance of our partnership. All those afternoon play times and the time i even scratched my leg from falling by the slide and you just laughed at me and i cried telling you to never show your face again but i didnt mean that but looks like you took our child's play seriously. I just want us to be all fixed up when you leave. Hey don't ever forget me when you become the big shot of your soccer team. Girls might even fall all over you. But you know i haven't. You're the most peculiar person i've ever met. Who wets their toothbrush before putting toothpaste? Who doesnt like ketchup?Well lets not forget who eats cereal the whole day. You might not be the best but you're most certainly not the worst. Enough of the drama i hate that shit. I know you had a more upperhand here. But hey when you get back I'll get taller than you are psych!! And oh hey by the way bring back a souvenir for me you know i love those little funko pops. Cheers for getting into your dream university follow your dreams comrade. And i'll follow mine. Write back soon!!
          sincerly criesse aka comrade c2 "

I smile one last time. I didnt want you to leave. But it'll be worth the wait. I opened the creaky window and the wind past through my hair and it tickled my neck. I knew Christmas was coming. If i still happen to have santa i would wished that for you to stay and spend a little time before going away. I folded the letter and slid it into the envelope. I sighed. What would you be doing now at this late hour? Probably asleep stupid me. I should be either studying or sleeping. Since im that of a lazy person i decide to lay and bed to prepare for the failing score i'll get tomorrow. I lay on my soft bed with the hard pillow under my head. I've been thinking about a lot of things. Why is the sky blue? Why cant we move mountains?  But one question rang to me today why havent you read my letters? Have you found another comrade? But for now. Adios comrade c. I hope you'll be happy in Boston as you'll be.

A/N: hey ppl so idk if this story is going to go well it really depends i hope you'll drop your thoughts in the comments and maybe support me? Idk HHAHAHA yours truly, a.l.n.f.

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