letter 3

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*old juke box playing* oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire inside's delightful and since we've no place to go... Let it snow. Let it snow.let it snow~

"Criesse!! Merry Christmas! "
"oh honey you grow so fast"
"How's _ _ _ _ _? I remember you two were just kids running around and getting tangled up at each other's scarves"
"Oh auntie he's in Boston."
"Really then? That's just sad. I really hope you to get along"
"Auntie, You know it cant happen its impossible... I'll go upstairs and get some mittens"
"m'kay be quick sweetie it's almost midnight!"

As i walk up the stairs the cold was building up my shoulder. The heater was limited to just downstairs. It was cold i grabbed my earmuffs and pull over my scarf over my mouth. I took a candle and lit it up. The fire was warm and fuzzy. I took a pen and a piece of paper and wrote what came to mind.

"to comrade c1, 12/24/2003
It's christmas eve. Hey I hope you're warm over there at Boston. Because its freezing here. And yes I'm wearing your scarf. Though I don't know what's colder the weather or the fact you're far away and I cant get one of those occasional hugs you give me to tell me not to freeze to death. Maybe it's just me or since the heater's just downstairs and doesnt reach me here. My mind should've been frozen by now my fingertips are kinda cold. Kinda reminds me the time we first tried ice skating. You tried to do it on your own. You were getting it at first you held your knees but didnt work you did end up falling good thing I catched you. You were pretty clumsy but you never did cry. You were one tough cookie. That no one can break. Also hey did you remember that time we were at your house at this time christmas eve. We were playing truth or dare with your cousins. I was dared to spin around and jump at the same time. And that got me lying on the floor the rest of the game. Then you were dared to kiss the person you like the most. Mostly I do blame your cousin James for that. It's either do the dare or drink the water from the fish tank. No one would like to drink the water from the fish tank because no one did clean it so EEK!! Disgusting right? But going back then out of all the people you do have to kiss was me. I thought you wouldve chosen fish water but still though am I less disguisting? Well... I don't really know if it really does mean something but anywho. Is it me or Christmas seems a lot colder without your clumsy chumby face. Hope you have a great time there and I hope you're not lonely. Oh and hey dont forget to wear a scarf. And there's something I spent time doing on inside the package. Merry Christmas mi comrade!! Don't forget to write back and hey my Christmas present!!
Sincerely yours, criesse/ comrade c2"

*beeepp beeepp beeepp* 12:00am. I started at the wall clock of my room. "Criesse!! It's Christmas!! Come down here and celebrate with us!!" as my aunt call out from downstairs. I look out the window as it was dark and chilly outside there came a snow flake falling on my window sill. I wonder what you're doing. I wonder if that kiss did mean anything to you. I guess it may not be your first but it was mine. It was an unexplainable feeling. More like butterflies flying inside my stomach. Then i thought what if you are enjoying tonight with someone new. A tear trickled down my cheek and followed another and another. Why am i even crying. You're happy. I should be happy when you're happy. But why...? Why do i still feel empty. Oh why do I bother. Wiping my tears before going down i felt numb and cold and distant. I hope you're happy. Comrade c2 over and out. Just when, I thought it was done there and then. Glass shattered so loud and a ear splitting screamed broke out downstairs. Looks like the world's not done with me yet.

A/N: Heyy there!! I'll be updating after our final long tests hope this would be enough to cover you for now. Thanks for reading!! a.l.n.f.

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