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I looked out the window at all the houses moving by. Small children were outside playing, and I was in the car with my dad. He gripped his steering wheel tighter than normal as he turned the car into the driveway of Luke's house. I stepped out of the car with my guitar in hand.

"I'll see you at 11, Charli," my dad firmly said as he began to back out of the driveway. His accent always made me smile even when he was mad or displeased. His accent varied between a thick Australian accent and my mother's very southern and american accent. He's begun to sound more American because of my mother. My father was born in Australia, and met my mom when she was on vacation here 15 plus years ago. I spent most of my childhood moving back and forth between American and Australia, but my family decided to settle down in Australia.

I cleared my throat as I began to walk towards the front door, but I spun around as I heard a door open to the garage. I turned around and entered in that way. The garage door began to descend behind me.

"Charli! So glad you could make it!" Luke smiled and warmly embraced me. I wrapped my small arms around his waist for a brief moment before he pulled away. "This is Michael, Ashton, and Calum." He explained while pointing to three boys sitting down on a older, rather tattered, looking couch.

"So what exactly are we doing...?" I asked a little skeptical of this whole situation. Luke approached me at school last week to ask if I wanted to, possibly, join a band a group of him and his friends started. I was shocked he approached me and asked me in person at school. I preformed I'm Yours by Jason Maraz at our school-wide talent show, and he thought I could be a good addition to the band.

"Well, we haven't had a true band rehearsal. This is Ashton's first 5 Seconds of Summer band rehearsal." Luke began to explain.

"Is that's y'all's name...? 5 Seconds of Summer?" I asked almost about to laugh.

"Yeah! 5sos for short! Do you have a problem with that?" Calum asked. I had seen Calum around school before, but never had a conversation, let alone say hello to him before. I shock my head no in response to Calum.

"Why don't you play us something first and we can see if you're worthy enough to be in our band," Michael demanded as he edged back into the couch.

"Michael, stop. Don't be so mean. If she doesn't want to sing right now she doesn't have to," Luke sternly told Michael. Luke stood up for me without me asking him to. I slightly grinned, but in defense for myself agreed to play. I struggled to get my guitar out of my case, but finally managed to pick it up and set it in my lap. I sat on the floor as I began to play. I strummed the first few chords to Miserable At Best by Mayday Parade and began to sing. I never looked up for playing afraid they might be displeased in my voice or ability to play. I stopped after the chorus and slowly ascended my head. Luke had a small grin on his face, and Michael began to applauded.

"You're going to be great, Charli," Michael said as he smiled ear from ear.


Hello, lovelies! This story will be different from most. It's basically 5SOS with a girl member! I imagine Charli looking like Oriana Sabatini! (she's pictured above) I also have a VERY specific look for Charli, and it's not what most of you would see. I have what I depict her wearing in each chapter at the top before each chapter begins. To me, what she's wearing and how she look plays a huge roll on how each of you view her. She's not as punk as some of you might be led to think. I see her as being very stylish and sleek. She's also mostly American! I hope y'all keep reading! I love each and every one of you who support me!

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