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"Brit Brit, I'm so sorry that I ruined your party," Luke said, sitting on the counter. Ash had just run out, and I had tried to call and text hi, but he had ignored all of my contacts. Finally, I had just given up.

"Oh Luke, you didn't do anything wrong. If anything, you made this one of the best birthdays ever," I said, trying to soothe him. I quickly kissed where a Ashton had punched him. Already, a dark purple bruise was forming.

"Don't say that. Your best friend just caused a huge scene, and didn't even explain himself to you. He made you cry. Hehurtyou. Don't just wave it off like that," Luke said, obviously trying to stay calm. My hair had come down due to the big commotion, and he instinctively pushed a piece behind my ear.

I smiled at him and took his hands, trying my best not to start crying again. "Well, let's see.You tried to protect me the best you could. You even took a punch for me. That's pretty amazing. And you're here, with me, and I can't think of anything better than that," I gushed, smiling and holding his gaze the whole time I spoke.

"That punch did hurt," he laughed, and brought our hands up to his lips, and kissed my fingers that were intertwined with his. "I could never dream up a place better than one where you are," he finished dreamily, and I felt my cheeks turn a rosy red.

"Let me get you some ice," I said, and ran to the freezer. Even though Ash had ran off and broke half of my heart, the other half was full of affection and happiness for Luke. And I most definitely wasn't going to let Ashton Fletcher Irwin ruin my seventeenth party. I grabbed a dishtowel and put some ice in it, and hurried back to the blonde boy sitting on my counter.

"Here," I cooed, lightly setting the ice on his jaw. He flinched, but then sighed with relief.

"That feels so much better, Brit," he said, voice full of gratitude.

"No problem," I sighed back, watching his beautiful features go from stressed to peace. Gosh, he was perfect.

"Don't you want to go back to your party? I'm sure your friends are waiting for you," Luke said, probably still feeling guilty. Which he shouldn't

"Why would I when the only person that matters is right here?" I whispered, grabbing his hand again. He squeezed it, making me feel safe again.

"Good, because I really didn't want you to leave," he said. He was staring at me, analyzing my face.

"I don't plan on leaving for a long time," I replied, hopping up on the counter beside him.

Luke grabbed my other hand and inspected it. "I've wanted to hold your hand for so long. I never knew how blissful it would feel. Never, in a million years, did I think you would feel the same. I could never seem to get you out of my thoughts. I wondered how it would feel for you to hold me, kiss me. I don't think I will ever get used to it. I will always be shocked by you, Britain," he thought out loud. I felt my breathing hitch. I knew that what we felt for each other was more than just a crush.

"I wish I could rip my heart and give it to you. It was always yours anyway," I finally managed to spit out.

Before either of us realized it, he had put his ice down and pushed his lips into mine. I quickly kissed him back. He slowly lowered me down on my back so I was flat against the cold countertop. I ran my fingers through his hair and one hand was propping himself up and the other was cupping my face. I could feel the cool bite of his lip ring against my lip. The kiss started out as sweet, but slowly got more passionate. Soon, I flipped myself over and laid on top, never taking our lips apart.

I knew this was where I'm supposed to be. I knew this was my destiny, my home. I wanted for this to happen, and he did too.

All too soon, we pulled away, breathless and disheveled. I smiled down at him, feeling warm and tingly inside. His eyes were bright with happiness, and his smile gleamed with affection.

I heard an awkward clearing of a throat. I turned around and saw a very entertained, but irritated, Michael Clifford. "When I said I approved, I didn't mean for you to have sex with my sister on my kitchen counter, Hemmings," Mikey scowled. "Brit, time for cake cutting," he finished, walking out of the door.

Luke winked at me and jumped off the counter, then helped me down. We intertwined our hands together and walked into the brisk night air.

Everyone applauded and started singing as soon as I walked outside. I made it over to my cake by the time the birthday song was over, and blew out my candles, not having to make a wish, because I had what I wanted.

At that moment, I felt a pang of anger from when Ash stormed out. I pushed it down and smiled at the crowd of people that actually wanted to celebrate with me. All my other close friends were here, and the most important was by my side.

The rest of the party was uneventful. We ate cake and danced to a couple more songs, including Cool Kids by Echosmith, which me and Calum karaoked to.

Soon, the celebration was over and I said goodbye to my friends, Calum being the last to go. Luke lounged around, but Michael decided to go to sleep. He pulled Luke aside and, for once, Luke looked scared.

I had changed back into what I had on this morning. Luke and I decided to watch another movie, but less than half way through Pitch Perfect, I was exhausted.

"Do you want me to leave?" Luke asked, sounding sleepy himself.

"No. Will you stay with me?" I yawned, and he smiled. He picked me up bridal style and carried me up to my room.

He laid me on the bed, and was preparing the floor for himself. I giggled sleepily. "No, silly. Lay in bed with me." He looked surprised, but it flashed away so quickly I swear I made it up.

He ripped of his shirt and I could see his muscular body. Gosh, it was like he was a sculpture. He must of seen me checking him out, and he gave me an impish smirk with a wink. I rolled my eyes and laid down.

I soon felt warmer, and I rolled over so I could face him.

"Did you have a good birthday?" He asked.

"One of the best ever. Thank you," I replied.

"Maybe this will make it even better. Britain Elizabeth Clifford, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks shyly.

I didn't even think about it. "Yes, Lucas Robert Hemmings, I will be your girlfriend," I answered, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Good. I didn't know what I would have done had you said no," he laughed. "Let's go to sleep now, babe."

And I obeyed. I rolled over, and felt him put his arm around my waist. I fell asleep being warmed by his physical touch and the touch of love.

Hey! It's C! I hope you all enjoy this very fluffy Lutain chapter because I think it is freaking adorable. But poor Ash omg I love him and he's sad and I'm just crying because he loves Britain and doesn't know what to do :( We are so close to 200 reads so please send your friends and family and everyone you know to this fanfic :) We love you!

-C :)

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