The Water Tribe

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Keith's P.O.V

We spend the day traveling to the stranger's home. I was now on Black's head, taking charge while the girl, Allura, and Shiro were taking a nap on Black's back, Shiro leaning against Yorak while he sleeps.

As I was looking forward I can hear a shift behind me. I looked behind me to see the tan boy, Lance, moving his way towards me. He looks down at me, "Hey," he smiled.

I smiled back slightly, "Hey...what are you thinking about?" He lets out a sigh, "I guess I was wondering, you being an air bender and all...if you had any idea what happened to the avatar,"

I shifted on Black's head, feeling a bit un-comfortable about the topic, " didn't know him...I mean, I knew people who knew him...but I didn't..." I gave him a sympathetic smile, "Sorry..."

He returns the smile, "Oh, Okay, just curious...good night," He then crawls out of my view, "Sleep tight..." I one needs to know...


3rd P.O.V

Lightning storms...its very faint...but its still there...

A huge one erupts, causing Keith to sit up. He looked around to see neither Lance or Allura with us. What is going on?

"K-Keith!" He heard Shiro yell. Keith looked over to see Shiro on Black's head, trying to stir him, "Black is getting out of control!"

Heavy rain started to pour as lighting started to strike around the two boys. Keith then heard a pained howl. He turns to his side to see Yorak shot down by lightning and heading towards the ocean below, "Yorak!" Keith screamed.

Keith jumps off of Black and hurls himself towards the water, "Keith!" Shiro yelled out to him. Keith dove into the water as he swims over to his companion, "Yorak, everything is going to be okay," He reassured the wolf-bat.

Yorak whined. Keith wraps around mid-way of his body, considering Yorak is bigger and wider then Keith, trying to keep them both afloat.

It didn't help as well when Black and Shiro crashed in the water as well, "Shiro!" He yelled out to the air bender. He couldn't go over there, if he lets go of Yorak, the wolf would surely drown. Luckily, Black and Shiro made it up to the surface.

"Keith! Stay there, I'm coming to get you!" Shiro yelled as both him and Black started to swim towards the younger male.

"Shiro! Look out!" Keith warned, but it was to late. A huge wave crashed above them, causing the two boys and their companions to be buried in the water.

They tried to get back up to the surface but no matter how many times, they always get pushed back under the water. As they started to lose their final breath, Keith made sure they would live as his eyes began to glow, Shiro and the beasts getting close to him as ice started to form around them.




Keith's P.O.V

I shot up as I gasp for air.

"Whoa! Its okay now, we're in the village," I heard Lance. I turned around to see him bright smile, surprisingly causing me to smile as well. Why does he make me smile a lot?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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