America RISES

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Fallout X Mass effect.

What if America won the GREAT WAR, and transcended into space with all of there technology and know how. This leads to them creating a stellar empire full of peace, food, the occasional crazy experiment to criminals or anti Americans, and all sorts of fun stuff.

Recuirments-Stuff I want to see in a Fallout Mass effect fanfic that no one does....SERIOUSLY THE DLCS EXIST USE THEM. 

NO Reapers.

New power armor- the Enclave invented the Xo-1, shouldn't the American government do the same.

Experiments on planets-Whole planets where Scientist like vault tec or BIG MT, none of them social though, they have to be genetic, Weather, weapons, or other things. Think putting a shit tone of FEV onto a planet with humans to transform them into reliable super soldiers, or turn a whole planet into a trap for alliens.

BIG MT- Please make them even deadlier.

Hologram technology-Yes this stuff.

Monsters- The creatures from the fallout universe like spore fungus, Super mutants, and other such things in a sort of military or experiment. 

FEV MUTATIONS- Mutations caused by FEV to humans. Go as far as you want. 

Little to no kinetic weapons.  Plasma, lasers, or bombs only.-Do you really think a kinetic weapon uses less resources than a laser rifle.

The use of all robots-Securitrons, assaultrons, liberty prime. All of those.

Powerfull ships that combine Mass effect with Fallout technology.

Use of DLCS-Big MT, The alien one, all sorts of stuff.

maybe more

IDEAS I cant get out of my head AND YOU CAN USEWhere stories live. Discover now