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Author's POV

Kai finally decided to go out from his room after few hours spending times alone in his room.

He sighed deeply as he stepped out from his room and walked straightly into the living room where his brother was.

"Jongin, finally you're out," Jongdae looked up to meet the droopy gaze from his younger brother.

He sighed heavily and took a seat closer to him. "What's wrong?," he slowly asked.

Kai ruffled his own brown hair and exhaled sharply. "Nothing," he knew it was just a waste to lie because Jongdae knew better than anyone else.

"Kim Jongin, is it because of that thing again?," the elder questioned and just like Kai expected, Jongdae could easily know it.

Kai nodded slowly. No use to hide it anymore. "Listen to me, its not your fault and you don't have to feel sorry about it."

The younger huffed. "I don't know, Hyung," he stated.

"You need to remember that there's lots of people around you, that will always be with you," Jongdae stated again, trying to comfort his only younger brother.

Kai nodded. "I know and, thanks Hyung," he muttered.

Jongdae chuckled. "No problem, little bro," he said and ruffled the younger's hair that made him yelled in annoyance.

"Jongin, are you okay?," Xiumin approached them with an obvious worried face.

Kai curled up his lips. "I'm fine Hyung, don't worry," he replied.

"How can I not be worried if you locked yourself in the room all the day," Xiumin huffed as he saw the younger was just chuckling.

Kai grinned to see the upset expression on his brother in law's face, he must be really worried about him of course.

"What about we go out for dinner?," he decided and that made Xiumin looked at him with a bright smile.

"Really?, he asked to make sure whether what he heard was the right thing or not.

Kai was hardly out from house except if it was with Chanyeol and Lay. Otherwise he would choose to stay at home.

Kai replied with a nodded, curving a smile. "Sure, we should go to your favourite restaurant. Its been a while since we went there."

"Alright, I will get ready," Kai announced before standing up from the sofa.

He got into his room right away and chose the outfit he was going to wear and thinking whether he should wear his glasses or not.

"The place is quite far so maybe I won't meet anyone," he muttered and decided to not wear his spectacles.

He ruffled his own black hair to make it looked messy and went out of his room to see they were already waiting for him.

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