Chapter 3- There's No Place Like Home...I Think...

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I was satisfied. I made my way to the guest room. She must have known that I wanted to stay over because that room was so fixed up....I was thinking I was in the wrong house because that room is always messy....ALWAYS messy. A few minutes later, Yhanei came back and told me that the landlord wanted to speak to me. I was in the elevator and I looked at the buttons and for the first time I realized that there was a 13th floor in this building....I had no idea.

 I got to the front desk and the landlord was there. After being there for about 30 minutes, I was told that there are 2 apartments in the building that are available. Unfortunately, the one on the 20th floor was claimed by the person that was on the phone. The only other apartment was Apartment 1307... Yhanei told me about that apartment.

 It's only $2,500 and it's a 3 bedroom. I was very surprised as to how no one lived there. Yhanei told me that last time someone lived there was only a week before but they left as soon as possible. That was a very weird thing to find out. Why would they move in and then leave a week later? Oh well. I know that I need to get the hell out of my parents house. So, I told the landlord,aka. Jerry, that I will be moving in and that I'll pay on the spot.

  Apartment 1307 was officially mine. I went back upstairs and told Yhanei and Aaron the news. They looked at each other is shock. I asked them what happened and they said "Good luck and Good night". What?! Now I'm really getting freaked out about this. What could possibly be so bad about that apartment? Anyways, I am getting tired so I'm gonna go to sleep and tell you guys how my moving adventure goes!!! Tomorrow is moving day!  

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