Eighth Year (Edited)

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Hermione's POV

I heard a tapping on the window. There was an owl with Hogwarts letters in its beak.

Dear Miss Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited back to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to re-do your seventh year.

Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment

Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than 31st of July

Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

"Ron we got invited back to Hogwarts!" I yelled out to my boyfriend.

He groaned, "Do we seriously have to go back to school." 

I laughed a little, "Of course we do. We didn't finish our education because we were to busy hunting horcruxes remember?"

"But it's not mandatory, right?" He said as he flopped down onto our couch.

I went and sat down next to him, "You can stay if you want but I'm going back."

"Ugh, fine I'll go back too then." He sighed.

I smiled, "Thank you" 

He put his arm around my shoulder and leant over to read the list. "So, what stuff do we need to get" He asked.

I skimmed over the list, "The book list is the same as last year so we shouldn't need to get anything."


I turned to face him, "You didn't get last years books did you."

"Well we knew we weren't going to school that year didn't we. So there was really no point" Ron said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

I rolled my eyes and got up off the couch, "Come on let's go to Diagon alley."

"Do we have to go today?" He whined, honestly he could be such a cry baby at times.

"Ronald." I said sternly.

He instantly got up, "Okay, okay, I'm coming."

We apparated to Diagon Alley.

"Alright, you go get your books. I need to get new school robes" I said

"Okay" He kissed my cheek "I'll see you in a bit" He said, smiling

"Bye" I said and kissed him softly before heading towards Madam Malkin's.

I walked through the front doors, "Miss Granger, welcome." She said from behind the counter

I smiled politely, "Thank you, I need some new school robes please."

"I thought last year was your seventh year" She said, clearly confused, and grabbed her measuring tape.

I held my hands out so that she could measure me, "We've been invited back, due to certain events last year." I explained.

Suddenly the doors slammed open. I turned around to see none other the amazing bouncing (Sadly he wasn't actually bouncing) ferret, Draco Malfoy. Well I guess he always loved a grand entrance.

"I'll be in the back" She said as she finished measuring. 

I stepped down from the platform.

"Granger." Malfoy said curtly

"Malfoy" I wasn't watching where my feet where and suddenly tripped and flinched expecting to hit the floor but instead I felt two strong arm around my waist. I looked up to see Malfoy with his eyes shut and was he... "Malfoy are you sniffing me?" This snapped him out his trance like state 

"No" He mumbled as he helped me up.

I shook his hand off me, "Right. I'm sure."


I met back with Ronald and we apparated back to the muggle apartment we had rented.

"So you've got all you're books now" I asked, looking through the pile of books he had dumped on the table

"Yep" He said, pulling me closer by my waist

"Alright good." I put my arms around his neck and kissed him.

Draco's POV

I couldn't get Granger out of my head. How her bushy hair had been tamed into soft waves and the way her luscious lips said my last name. But most of all I loved her delicious smell, it drove me insane when I had walked into Madam Malkin's earlier-

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud pop.

"Mistress Malfoy has asked Blinky to inform Master Draco that dinner is ready sir" Said a little house-elf.

"Thank you Blinky" I replied and gave him a small smile

Blinky bowed low, "It is Blinky's pleasure" He said before disappearing again.

I made my way down to the dinning hall. My mother was waiting in her usual seat with a nervous look on her face, "Draco, there's something I need to tell you..."

I went and sat down at the head of the table "What is it Mother?"

She fiddled with the sleeves of her dress, "I'll tell you later.."


"You're part veela" My mother blurted out of nowhere

I nearly spat out my drink, "What!"

"You need to find your mate before the end of this year or you could die..." She said, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Why wasn't I told this before!" I exclaimed, getting up from my seat

"Your father thought it would be best to keep it a secret" She explained softly

I stepped away from the table "How is that best! Just lie to your son, tell him he's a pureblood and let him bully the people who aren't. Yeah great idea!"

She stood up, "Draco, I wanted to tell you..."

"Then why didn't you! It's been months since he died!" I yelled

She froze with her head down silence.

I stormed up to my room. Why did they have to keep this from me, now I have to find a mate or I could die.

"Great" I mumbled to myself. "BLINKY!"

Blinky apparated in, "What does Master Draco need?"

"Bring me all the books on veela that we have in our library" I demanded

Blinky ran out to the library and came stumbling back in with a tower of books in his hands and put them on my table, "Does Master Draco need anything else?"

"No thank you Blinky" I replied, and spent the rest of the night reading all about veelas and how they find their mates.

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