Chapter 9 (Unedited)

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Draco's POV

"I really am sorry"

I turned away from Hermione and headed towards the Slytherin common room. I stormed up to my dorm, and slammed the door. Why did she love that weasel, what's so special about him?

There was a knock on the door, "You alright in there?" Blaise asked

"Fine" I replied

"well, can I come in then"

I was about to answer him when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. My vision went blurry, a faint buzzing obstructed my hearing and the pain spread throughout the rest of me. I fell onto my knees, it felt as though I was hit with the cruciatus curse. Then everything went black...

Hermione's POV


I turned to face Zabini

"Granger, you have to come with me, right now" He said urgently, grabbed my arm and started dragging me away

"Let go of me Zabini" I said as I tried to free myself from his grip

"It's about Draco, Madam Pomfrey told me to get you"

When we reached the Hospital wing he led me to a bed near the back

"Miss Granger, thank Merlin you're here" Madam Pomfrey said and drew back the curtain to show

Draco, unconscious, with a pained look etched onto his face.

"What happened? And why do you need me?" I wasn't sure why I asked, I already knew it was

because I had rejected him.

"Well I'm sure you are aware that Mister Malfoy is a veela and you are his mate"

"Yes" I replied

"And I'm guessing that you rejected him, correct?"

I looked down at my feet and mumbled a quiet "Yes"

"Well, ever since you rejected him he has been slowly dying of heartbreak and if you wish for him to live then you have to be as close to him as possible at all times until he wakes up"

"The whole time?!" I practically yelled "So I won't be able to go to classes!?"

She nodded "You will have to sleep in the same bed and I will bring you food"

I stood there in shock.

"Now I have to collect some healing potions from Professor Snape, " She turned to Zabini "I'm afraid visiting hours are over Mister Zabini, you may come back tomorrow"

Once she and Zabini had left, I sat down in the chair next to Draco's bed. I held his hand in my own and saw him visibly relax

"I'm so sorry" I whispered, holding back tears. It was my fault he was here, my fault that he was dying. How could I have been so selfish? I knew that if I rejected him he would die. I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"I hope you can forgive me"

More tears fell onto the side of the sheets. Then I remembered Harry and Ron. They would notice that I wasn't at classes or meals, what was I going to tell them when Draco woke up. I would have to break up with Ron. The tears fell faster, why couldn't my life just be simple for once...

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