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Today was the day, today the tournament started. Cipher and I talked about it and we decided we would let everyone know that we are the dark duo. So your probably wondering how no one figured that we are the dark duo. One thing I insisted we get were contacts to make our eyes red. We used different decks, I used my dark deck which only Cipher has seen, and Cipher uses his zombie deck that he has stupidly been using at duel academy.
I wore a black and white hoodie with a black and white mask, and Cipher wore the same thing but his was were majority white while mine was majority black. Anyway we are on our way to the tournament and everyone was talking about combo moves they could do. Bastion had made a new machine deck to work with Zane. The only people not talking was uncle Yugi who's partner was dad, and Cipher and I who already knew the ways our decks work together. We finally made it to kaiba land Yugi well technically Atem parked the car, and we walked in to the kaiba done.
when I saw the other participants I wanted to laugh, mainly because Weevil and Rex were here,so we're Zigfried and Leon. The Paradox brothers were here, this tournament is going to be either easier than expected, or if they upped their decks it's going to be harder than expected. When our group started walking towards the others me and Cipher left to put on our dark duo costumes. We found two empty rooms and quickly change, I always forget how badass we look in costume. I left the room and saw Cipher waiting we started walking back to the center of the arena. We heard the sound of a helicopter, and we knew dad was making his appearance. Of course being dad's son I had to one up his entrance.
"You realize that we must one up him right." I said to Cipher.
"Yeah, but how?" Cipher asked.
"Hold on and follow me I know this place inside and out." I said coming up with a plan.
"Ok let's go." Cipher said.
We went around a corner up a set of stairs and soon we were in the rafters. After dad made his speech me and Cipher put on two harnesses that were up here. After that we jumped and just about everyone recognized us as we we did make a bit of a name for ourselves.
"You two weren't on the list what are you doing here?" Dad asked.
"You don't recognize us I'm hurt." Cipher said. After that we took of our masks off and I nearly fell over laughing. Dad looked like his jaw unhinged, see he told me that the dark duo might have a decent chance of beating him.
"Don't look so shocked dad I am a Kaiba after all." I said jokingly.
"Anyway after that little disruption this tournament can begin." Dad said. Then he stepped to the side and clicked a button. The floor separated and we all dropped.
"Fuck you daaaaaaaaaad." I said as I fell.
"That's for not telling me." He said then he jumped after us. We hit a floor panel with 16 different slides. When dad landed he said that we each had to pick a slide and go down. I walked up to one and Cipher walked up to the one next to me. He looked over and mouthed should we. I nodded knowing what he meant. Suddenly his eyes turned pure black, and mine started glowing bright red.
"See ya later bud" I said before going down the slide.

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