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As I woke up and put on my red and black blazer I thought about when the Shadow Riders would show up. I was itching to use my Nordic Gods deck after all I've only been using my dark deck so far. What sucks is I've got a Cyber Dragon deck, but that's Zane's thing so I won't use it unless I have to. I walked into the hallway and went to Cipher's door. I knocked on the door before saying.
"I'm coming in." I opened the door and saw Cipher wearing a black suit with a long black cape with.... Were those fake fangs in?
"Do I want to know?" I asked him.
"No." He answered simply.
"Ok well classes start in 30 minutes, and Crowler's more pissed than normal cause I decked him." I told him.
"You didn't hear classes are cancelled since Jaden was found injured last night." He said sadly.
"Seriously what attacked him?" I asked already thinking it was a Shadow Rider.
"The other students and teachers aside from Crowler, and Banner don't know but it was a Shadow Rider." He said.
"So why you dressing like you're trying to become Dracula?" I asked him.
"To try to scare Crowler." He said.
"Ok. Hey did you get a new outfit from you're parents too?" I asked him.
"Yeah guess Crowler will have to wait. You want to hunt the Riders don't you?" He asked.
"Yeah I want to also know about these Sacred Beast cards." I replied. He nodded and I went back to put on my new outfit. After about 5 minutes of waiting there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and saw Cipher's new outfit.

(His outfit)"Nice, but why so many pistol holsters?" I asked

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(His outfit)
"Nice, but why so many pistol holsters?" I asked. He shrugged in response. We walked out of the dorms, before seeing Crowler. I tossed Cipher the fake fangs I may or may not have stolen from him. He gave me a 'seriously' look before putting them in and disappearing from my dight. I walked up to Crowler to get his attention.
"Hey Crowler! Why do some of the students seem scared?" I asked as some of them did seem afraid of something. Crowler jumped then saw me.
"Oh it's you *sigh* well last night Jaden ended up in the infirmary as you probably know, but a few other students claim to have been attacked by a vampire last night." He answered surprisingly not being a dick. I saw Cipher sneaking up behind him. I almost felt bad enough to stop Cipher almost.
"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Cipher yelled right behind him.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Crowler yelled as he ran away. I was on the ground laughing.
"Hey what'd you ask him you seemed genuinely upset at the news?" He asked.
"C'mon we're going vampire hunting." I said.
"What is there a vampire Shadow Rider?" Cipher asked.
"Apparently." I answered. We searched from then till Dawn the next day. We found 3 people after they were attacked, but no vamp.
Timeskip a few months
We've still never found the vampire, but people keep getting attacked. We visited Jaden in the infirmary and met Alexis's brother Atticus. Jaden is still in there and Atticus is back in a coma. Yes back in he got up long enough to give Jaden half a medallion, write a note, and talk for a bit. I was making my rounds around the island when I saw a red carpet of impossible length rolling itself out. I texted everyone who knew about the Shadow Riders to come to where I was along with my location. Pretty soon everyone was here but Jaden and Atticus.
"Where are they?" Zane asked.
"I don't know but. Wait is that a coffin?" I asked as a coffin glided above the carpet. When it reached the end of the carpet it opened revealing a female body.

(Vamp)"Hello my dears my name is Camula the vampiress, and I am here to duel

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"Hello my dears my name is Camula the vampiress, and I am here to duel." Cipher jumped in.
"I'm you're Opponent got it!" He growled out.
" *Sigh* Ok boy but it wasn't you I wanted to duel." She stated preparing her duel disk.

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