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It's was a warm peaceful summer night at the Dursleys home. Petunia and Vernon were relaxing with their fat baby boy Dudley(they had finally gotten the crying little shit to sleep.) They were sitting in the lounge with Vernon watching television, Dudley was sleeping and petunia was talking on the phone with her cousin Jean (a/n. If you get that I will love you for ever. )when suddenly the door bell rang. "I'll get it Verny."

The horse faced bitch(a/n. Do you get it now?) got up and went to the door. She peeped through the peep hole but no one was their. She frowned but opened the door looking for whoever rang the doorbell but then she finally looked down seeing a little bundle in a basket. She bent down and saw it was a little baby who had the darkest raven hair with and beautiful green eyes that shone like emeralds. She picked up the note that was attached to the basket.

Dear Dursley family

I regret to inform you that your sister/in law has been murdered by the darklord, Lord Voldemort . I would like you to look after young Harry here because I believe even though the darklord has been defeated, he will return and Harry is the only way to defeat him. Young Harry has shown such great power even at his age and I believe he will be an amazing wizard one day. So I am offering you one thousand pounds a month so that all young Harry's essentials are well taken care of.

-Albus Dumbledore

When she finished reading she was ecstatic. 'All that money just for taking good care of one ugly little child.' she thought happily. "Vernon! Vernon!" she said rushing going inside while holding the basket so that her husband could see. "Verny! Some old coot is going to pay us a thousand pounds just to take care of some freakish little thing. But I think it needs to be healthy or else we won't get paid. But if we feed him too much he might steal all my little  dudders food and then their won't be enough for him."

"Why don't we feed the freak until he is old enough to earn his food by cleaning or cooking."

"Wonderful idea Verny. You are such a smart, sweet, sexy-"

(a/n. I'm sorry I can not *goes to bathroom to vomit for a month* OK I'm good... No I'm not. *goes back to vomit*)

-timeskip to when Harry is 9-

"OK you little freak, clean this house before I get back from work or else you will be punished."

Little Harry whimpered at that and absentmindedly rubbed the scars he got from his late punishment,"Y-y-yes s-sir."

"Good now get to work!"shouted Vernon. Harry whimpered and ran away with tears in his eyes, scared of what would happen to him if he didn't finish his work on time.

He rushed to do the kitchen, the rooms, the lounge, the bathroom and the gardens. He was extremely tired but he knew he only had to do one more room before he was done for the day and so little Harry went up to the attic and started cleaning up. That is until he stumbled upon a little basket with a soft little blanket covered in dust. He picked up the blanket and shakes off the dust but began coughing with all the dust floating in the air. He frowned because he now had a sore throat but did not do a thing about it because he need permission to eat or drink and since the house is empty, he can do neither. He frowned and looked down and saw a note in the little basket.

Curious, he picked it up and read it. When he was done he was absolutely shocked, angry and confused, "I'm a wizard? That makes so much sense. That's why I can talk to the snakes know the garden, why I heal so fast and why uncle Vernon calls me freak... Uncle Vernon... He has treated me like scum, like a maid. But I have power I can make him pay!" he while a green aura started to surround him, his eyes glowing a gorgeous emerald green as burnt the letter in his hands. Then suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen,"Huh? What? AH!"

Pain that's all he felt.

Feeling as though his legs were being crushed, as if his teeth were being ripped out of his skull, as if his fingers were being pulled off and his skin on fire. It was a while before the pain stopped and when it did he passed out. All he remembers is seeing an owl fly threw the open attic window.
First Harry Potter story my lovelies. Did you enjoy? I hope so cause I need help.

Who should Harry be with?

Tom Riddle?


Draco Malfoy?

Choose now or forever hold your peace.

Bye lovelies 😘😍

Lamia***(Orphaned)Where stories live. Discover now