Chapter 16

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Dracos pov

I walked into my room and saw a blushing Harry reading something.
"Hi Harry! Father just taught me about sex." he blushed even brighter.

"Mom and Aunt Cissy taught me too. They gave me these too." Harry said showing me a book of pictures of two young boys and a man, naked. The man had his penis in the one boy's butt and the boy had his penis in the other boy's butt. I felt my face heat up as well. "Mom said this is what you, Marvolo and I will do in the near future."
.Does that mean I'm also going to have a penis inside me. I suddenly felt very scared, "It seems like they are enjoying it though. Especially the boy in the middle." I looked and sure enough the boy in the middle had hearts in his eyes and in the speech bubble next to his mouth said 'having my penis in my best friend and having my sensei's dick in my ass feels so gooood~' I blushed even brighter at that.

"Draco I know we're still young but can we do it, please." Harry asked with a cute blush and it made my cocks twitch for some reason .

I shook my head, "Father said that I am the submissive dominant and that Marvolo has been very cruel during the war. He is our mate but his reaction when he returns and find out that his mates are not virgins are unknown . Apparently, most dominants get really possessive and rough when they discover that there submissive is not virgin and yes I am a dominant but the Marvolo is still more superior to me. You see that's you..." I said pointing at the boy that was right at the bottom "that's Marvolo..." I said pointing to the man on the end "... and that's me" I said pointing to the boy in the middle.

"OK then how do I get rid of this because they rub it and put it into each other." he said pointing to his... What did father say that was again... erection?

"Remember yesterday when I said I had a cold shower?" Harry nodded "Well I had something called a wet dream so father said I had to take a cold shower to get rid of my erection."

"What's an erection and a wet dream?"

"An erection is that." I said pointing to the small tent in Harry's pants. "And a wet dream is an erotic dream of when you are doing something like sex. That caused my erection last night."

"We're you dreaming of me?" he asked with a smug smile.

"Of course I was. I love you and sex is something you do with someone you love." his smug smile vanished and he hurried off the bed.

"Maybe we should go have that cold shower now. " I nodded and followed Harry to the bathroom.


We went to lunch after our shower, "Dwaco, Hawwy where were you?" asked the 5 year old Diana.

"We had a cold shower." I replied and I couldn't help but notice that the adult men stopped moving completely.

"Why?"she asked

"We got erections."

"What's an ere-"

"Come on we need to go to Diagon Alley to get your school stuff."Father squeaked out.

We went out to buy our school robes and books and then we went to a private wand maker in knockturn alley. It was a shady kind of place and a man that was mid twenties with blue eyes and bright red hair. He looked at us bored and took us to the back, "Wave your hand over these and when you feel a pull pick it up." we did as told and he picked the stuff up and left the room with a yawn.

Father looked at us, "Draco give me a feather and Harry, a scale." we gave it to father and he called the man back. "Can you put this feather in the wand for the blonde boy and this scale for the trap." the man snorted, took the stuff and left.

When he came back he handed us our wands and asked for 50 galleons. We paid him and the man put the money in a box before resting his head on the counter and falling asleep. My wand was 10" long, made of hawthorn wood, it had a unicorn hair core and my feather from my wing.

Harry's one was made of holly, eleven inches long, and contained a single feather from the tail of a phoenix and basilisk venom with his scale in.

Father explained that it was to ensure that no one else would be able to become the master of our wands even if we die or it was won over.

I nodded like I understood and we walked past a pet shop when I suddenly felt a pull. I walked into the store and followed the pull to a  nix Leapord viridario pavonem cub (A/n. Literally translated to snow leapord peacock)

 Literally translated to snow leapord peacock)

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When she saw me she bowed, "Master. " I heard a little girls voice in my head. It made me feel weird like I'm some sort of predator.

"Call me Draco. What's your name?"

"I don't have a name."

"How about-"

"Draco is everything okay?" father asked.

"Yes father. I just found my familiar." 
Harry kneeled besides me and put his finger in the cage.

"She's beautiful."the cub sniffed Harry's finger before licking it purring and I heard a small, "Masters mate."

"I'm going to name her Camelopardalis. Cam for short."

"The lepord constellation. Wooow. Surprising. I swear you Blacks will use all the constellations in the sky when you are done with the naming." said the seven month pregnant aunt Rosie, shaking her head. I laughed and called the shop keeper over. When the woman saw what animal I wanted she almost fainted. I rolled my eyes at her and told her to get the requirements came will need. She did as told and ran off. I opened the cage and grabbed Cam who snuggled into me purring.

The woman came back and shrunk down all the stuff for cam and asked us for the 345 galleons.

We went home after that. For the rest of the day Harry and I were in bed, cuddling Cam.
Guys I am way too tired to write anything good. Bye lovelies!😍😘💗

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