Chapter 22.

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Harry's pov

Throughout the year it has been incredibly funny. After Dumbledore found out that professor quirell had disappeared he forced the schools head of house to teach the students. It was a struggle for the teachers but after a day Uncle Sev forced the smartest seventh year to teach the first and sixth years, the smartest sixth year to teach the second and fifth years and the smartest fifth year to teach the third and fourth years. That way he could teach the school potions and seventh year DADA. Lucky for us the Slytherins is always the top in everything (except quidich, they come second sadly) so it wasn't that difficult especially since uncle sev threatened to drain us of all of our blood if we didn't reach up to his standards.

Anyway..... What made it funnier was the fact that after Dumbledork found out about the philosopher stone, five months after it was taken, he ran around like a headless chicken. Honestly in the safety of the slytherin common room we all had a good laugh.

Other than the fact that Ronald Weaselly decided to be an arse and call us 'slimey snakes' while attempting to throw stuff into our cauldrons during potions, the school year was great especially after I met my new friends Alexandra and Alexis Black. They were Gryfindoors but they were basically shunned because their father was a 'murderous pychopath'.

Alexandra and Alexis were a year older than us. Their father was Sirius black, my adoptive godfather who was imprisoned, their moom (He asked then to call him that [it's basically mommy and moony mixed]) was a werewolf that works in a small bookstore but they said that they were living good with the black fortune. Alexandra was the older twin, he had long black hair with amber eyes. Alexis looked exactly the same as him. The only difference was that her face was softer and she always has chocolate.

We were going to visit them for the holidays. But first... I ran into Anguis Manor.

"MOOOOOOOOOM!!!! DAAAAAAAAAD!!!! DIANAAAAAAAAA!!!! RICARDOOOOOOOOO!!!!(baby brother) I'M BACK!!!!" I yelled out into the manor and not long after that I heard a two squeals, a cry and a groan. Mom and Diana came running towards me and we had a happy family group hug. Then dad walked in looking dead tired with Ricardo in his arms. Poor Ricky had tear tracks on his cheeks. I glared at father and took Ricky in my arms, "What did the old man do to you, sweet heart." I heard Uncle Lucy snort at that but ignored it.

"You're the one that was shouting. I'm pretty sure you woke up Hades." dad replied

(A/n. Yeah but it's chill maybe now I can see what Nico is doing, hope he's not sticking his tongue down Jackson's throat.
Me: The fuck? )

"I'm not that loud... " I said

"Yes you are, mama." Yuri said in my head and yes I know Yuri calling me mama is weird but her mother died when she was born and it's really cute when she calls me that.

She is really growing up(sadly) she actually looks just like her mother and Cam is almost fully grown.

They are both so beautiful, my babies is growing up way too fast 😢.

"How was Hogwarts?" mom asked.

"It was good but can we go rest first, please and talk about this tomorrow. I'm really tired." with that I gave Ricky to mom and went to bed. Cam and Yuri jumped on the bed and cuddled against each other besides me. It was a while before Draco came to our room carrying a black book. "What's that?" I asked not being able to sit up since my stomach was being used as a pillow.

"It belonged to Marvolo. Father said I should open with you." he said sitting down after grabbing a quill. He later down beside me and put his legs up so that his feet is flat against the mattress and so that his legs can be a makeshift table thing. It allowed me to see whatever he is writing.

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