"We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals"

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Transylvania, Romania 

Julian POV

I was sitting in my library reading, my little sister, Vanyaʻs book she just published. Yeah I know she wrote about how her ordinary life was and what was going on with our lives without permission. But I understood why she did it and Iʻm grateful that she was able to express herself since she is a passionate person even if she's a little bit socially awkward, not that I blame her since we werenʻt raised like normal kids, more like experiments. 

Anyway, I was enjoying the silence of my home with just me, my books, my morning hot chocolate with whip cream until my old-fashioned oak-cased winding crank telephone started ringing. I put my book down and picked up the phone.

"Dracula residence. Julian speaking." I answered.

"Julian, its Claire." 

"Oh hi Claire, are you in need of assistance back at the bakery."

"No. But turn on your radio to the American channel now,"  she said frantically and hung up.

"Ok." I turned on my old radio and switched it to the American channel.

"Moments ago, police-reported the death of the most eccentric and reclusive billionaire at 7:02 of a heart attack..."

My heart stopped when I heard that our dear so-called "Father" was dead. The last time I saw him was when I yelled at him to drop dead since he didnʻt care for any of us nor the ones we lost.  I canʻt really blame myself for hating him. But did have a soft spot for him. Well, this would probably be an opportunity for me to see my other siblings at his memorial. I havenʻt been in contact with them after ʻhisʻ death and shutting them out.  I do miss them especially Klaus and Vanya. I turned off my radio and started packing.


I exited the taxi and now standing in front of my old home, The Umbrella Academy. A shabby looking building with an iron gate. I took a deep breath and went in. I opened the front door, entering. 

"This place never changed. Mother must have kept it clean all these years." I said to myself. I vampire speeded towards my old room, still looked the same but with some spider webs. My room was dark, my faded-black dresser still faded, the floors still creaked, and my bed (coffin) was dusty but still useable. I placed my stuff on my "bed" and started changing into my funeral clothes (at the top of the chapter). I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail and wore a crucifix choker. 

"Julian." said a voice behind me. I turned only to see my other sister, Allison. Allison and I are on some good terms we each other. We both have fashion shows together as kids, do each other makeovers and sometimes we argue but we make up for it. But all changed when she and Luther started dating which I was happy for her since we were teenagers back then and the only thing we were all about was hormones and relationships.

"Hey AlleyCat." Yeah, I nicknamed my siblings. Luther is LuthyLu (HAHAHA), Diego is DiggyDog, Allison is AlleyCat, Klaus is KlausyKlaus, Five is FIFI, and Vanya is VanVan, ok back to the story.

Allison and I embraced. It has been so long since we saw each other. We both had grown up and lived good lives. Allison is a famous superstar walking on the red carpet and has a little daughter that I was hoping to meet one of these days.

"God,  it good to see you Jul. How have you been?" she asked.

"I doing great. Iʻm living in Romania and living a carefree life. But look at you, a superstar walking on the runway with a beautiful daughter. Oh and Iʻm sorry you didnʻt get custody of her."

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