Chapter 89 - Trial by Combat

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The huge rusty iron portcullis grated upwards slowly, allowing entry into the sandy arena. Here was where the humans would fight it out to prove their words and their worth. Tsk, tsk, tsk, how primitive, Constantine thought. Then again, it was probably an excuse to see some action and shed blood. Orcs were known for their love of a good fight.

"No problem," the Red Warlock spoke to himself as he went into battle mode and summoned his Energies. He was no softie, he was a great and powerful mage. Lazarus should be preparing himself for combat too, wherever he was. The Assassin should come out from another opening into the battleground.

Constantine felt a cold heaviness envelop him as soon as he stepped through into the arena. A spell!! It was a strong one too, by the feel of the momentary nauseous disorientation. Behind him the heavy grating fell back down with a thunderous clanging thud, cutting off any escape back through the opening.


Constantine looked around and blanched. This was not good, not good at all. The other nine portcullises had slammed down too making a racket. Each falling shut as a combatant stepped through. All looked around in confusion. Why were there so many?

The ten orcs glared at each other in the spacious arena as the spectators in the stands cheered and roared their approval. Orcs? What was going on? Where was Laz?

The Red Warlock raised his hands and groaned shaking his head in disbelief. They were grey, large and calloused. He was a strong and bulky orc! That figures, the Necromancer had put an illusion spell on all of them. Now he didn't know who Lazarus was among the other nine 'orcs' and Lazarus probably didn't know which one was him either. They might accidentally kill each other. Not good. This was going to be tricky.

The noise level rose several decibels in approval. Hundreds of large hands clapped and beat against solid bodies in a show of aggression and excitement, feet stomped shaking the amphitheatre and weapons beat against shields and armour. The orcs were ready for a good show.

The Overlord stood up at his seat. He made an imposing figure. The crowd quieten to hear his words.

"Two humans have come here claiming they want to help the jaav ukon," he said. "To prove the truth and sincerity of their words, they will battle here today. Trial by combat as is our custom. May the truth be revealed! You will all be witnesses!!"

He raised a hand as a roar went up and waited for the noise to subside before he continued. "Eight warriors who want to show their prowess in battle and gain honours for their clan have also volunteered. They will be rewarded if they survive for they would have shown the humans words false. However, if they die, then they die with honour. That is all." The Overlord sat down and waved Mallarg forward.

The Necromancer stood up. "You see only our brethren down there. Do not be fooled for I have cast a spell so that all appear as orcs. Be assured that our two guests are also down in the arena, he paused and smirked. "It will be a fairer fight to prove ones skill in battle and more exciting. The humans too will have a chance on proving their words, if not for my gracious disguise, I'm afraid they would be targeted and annihilated before the real fight even begun," he said to snickers, grunts and howls of laughter as the audience agreed whole heartedly with Mallarg. The orcs obviously did not think much of the two puny humans.

"All will fight until only two are left standing. Then I will cease the illusion and we will find out who the victors are."

"Warriors are not to speak to each other! No allies! Every orc for himself!! If you break the rules, your life is forfeit!!"

The Overlord signalled and the Necromancer raised his misshapen staff into the air.


Immediately chaos ensured in the arena. The ten orcs in the arena shouted in challenge and started attacking each other, eager to prove their mettle. The combatants were equipped randomly with all manners of weapons.

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