Chapter 116 - Aria

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Jace, Ash and Lorenzo removed their head gear once their Heroes were safe and immediately yelped in fright. A pale anxious face was staring intensely at them.

Jace drew in his breath sharply in alarm.


"Damn it!" Ash exclaimed almost throwing his VR gear at Aria. "Don't do that! You scared me!"

In the semi-darkness of the spacious hall, Aria sat on the carpet near the boys with her legs drawn up to her chin. She stared at the boys hugging her knees worriedly. When Jace had started moaning in pain and Ash cursing unintelligibly, she had crept closer. If it got any worse, she would force log out Jace as promised. The Goth girl had just reached out her hand to power down Jace's head gear when Lorenzo announced that he was "On his way" and to "Hang on." Her hand had hovered uncertainly at the manual power button for a few moments. Finally she decided to wait; Constantine was the most powerful Warlock in the realm. If he couldn't help Laz and Val, no one could.

Moments later, Aria let out a sigh of relief when both Jace and Ash calmed down. She had sat within reach and waited in nervous tension, ready to act.

"Aiyayai! It's scarier out here than in there!" exclaimed Lorenzo.

"Seriously, Aria."

She ignored Ash and Lorenzo. Her eyes were trained onto Jace. "Are you o'kay? Is Laz o'kay?"

Jace blinked then swallowed trying to calm his nerves. He was still shaken from his experience in virtual. Somehow, Laz had managed to remain conscious during the whole time. He had wished his Hero had simply passed out or died. Now, Jace was adjusting to being pain free again in the real world. The extremes were disconcerting.

"Was Laz in trouble? Did you get away? Did anyone die?"

"I ... give me a minute," Jace said as he ran his hand through his dark hair and took several deep breaths. He closed his eyes relishing the air filling and expanding his healthy lungs. Gods, how could the simple act of breathing feel so good? After a minute, he opened his eyes. He realised he was not freezing anymore. He never thought he would be so eager to return back to real life.

Aria turned to the others when Jace did not answer fast enough, "Lorenzo!" she said making him jump. "You did save him in time, didn't you? And Val too?"

"How did you know we were in trouble and how did you know Constantine saved us? I thought no one can watch us in the orc realm," Ash asked suspiciously.

"You were all talking in real life ...well making weird noises. So I could guess something was up." She narrowed her eyes, "Now tell me, I was so worried, did anyone die? Did you complete the challenge?"

"No Aria," Jace assured her in a calm voice. He had recovered and adjusted mentally, regaining his composure. He could see how agitated she was. She needed updates! "No one died. Laz is o'kay and so is Val. Constantine saved us in time."

"Yes, yes I did. I am so awesome!" Lorenzo agreed proudly.

"And, we have completed the third Challenge!" Ash added excitedly. "Next time we go in we meet the Bello Boss."

"Tell me."

"Ummm, shouldn't we wait for the others to get up? Then we won't have to repeat ourselves," Ash asked looking at the sleeping bodies around them. Gwen was curled up asleep next to Chloe and Sophia. Vera was on the couch with her notes over her face, her chest rising and falling as she breathed peacefully in slumber. Jennifer was nowhere in sight so he assumed she must have retired to her own room and left the gaming teenagers to their sleepover.

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