Chapter 133 - Antidote

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Status check.

Lazarus, Assassin, Level 89

Health 4 per cent (maximum 4 per cent)

Valentine checked Lazarus' status anxiously for the third time in ten minutes. He was waiting for the Annazzosh to overcome the nauk dzi vras in Lazarus' body.

"When?" Valentine asked the Witch. "How much longer do we have to wait?"

He seriously could not wait any longer. The barely conscious gate keeper next to him had lost a lot of body mass and had become gaunt to the point of being skeletal. His unhealthy discoloured pockmarked skin had dried out becoming taut and papery. Valentine could also clearly see Lazarus' rib cage and collar bones. They were jutting out from his body as if trying to escape from some unnamed horror. Even his unsightly hands were scary looking; they resembled bones wrapped in thin dry parchment.

Lazarus was literally decomposing before his eyes.

The Witch came forward and placed her hand on the Assassin's forehead. He moaned deliriously. His skin was hot to the touch. Lazarus was burning up with a high fever. A piece of skin stuck to her hand, ripping off the Assassin's brow when she removed it. Valentine stared in morbid fascination at the putrefying flesh underneath trying hard not to retch.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry man," the Thief moaned. "Simtrixx is seriously sick."

The Witch grimaced and wiped her hands on her cloak. The dead skin rubbed off but the strong putrid smell lingered.

"Not much longer, fair one. Hisss fever isss still going up."

"Its way up. I may not know much but I do know that his current temperature is too hot to be a normal fever. It's dangerous," Valentine countered worriedly. "And Simtrixx has just lowered his maximum Health again."

The Witch raised her eyebrows in confusion. What was a 'Simtrixx'? Was it a new foe? She did not understand the Ghost Lord's language or follow his logic.

"If he dies now, he would be a vegetable Hero," the Thief raised his voice in frustration. "What's the point of logging on then?"

"I am ssorry. I do not undersstand, Ghosst Lord."

"Never mind," muttered Valentine. The Witch was an NPC who only existed in-game. He should not take it out on her.

"We can't wait any longer," Valentine decided. He could not take the risk, not when they were so close to success. "Kalthu! Is the brew ready?"

"Yes. I'm cooling it."

"Bring it over now."

"But it's still hot."

"I don't care! I'm gonna give Laz some."

The Witch and the Warlord exchanged looks. They had to prevent the blond gate keeper from administering the antidote too soon.

"Pleasse Ghosst Lord, you musst wait a little longer," she caught Valentine's arm, holding him back.

"Don't touch me with that hand!!" the Thief yelled automatically jumping back in shock and disgust. The Witch had touched him with the hand which moments ago had touched Laz's decaying forehead. The next instant, Valentine hung his head in shame. "Damn it." He hated the way he had reacted. Laz was his best friend. He felt so emotionally conflicted.

The Witch recoiled at his sudden outburst but bravely stood her ground. "It isss not yet time."

"When? WHEN Witch?!! Just look at him!" Valentine was beside himself. "When it is too late? When Laz is beyond help and useless?" The belligerent Thief changed to an aggressive fighting stance. He was ready to tackle anyone who came in his way. No one was going to prevent him from giving Sharak's antidote to Lazarus now. "I've had it!"

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