Chapter 119 - Demon Stones

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The three GateKeepers spawned near a merrily burning campfire. Six grey orc warriors lifted their faces in greeting. Kalthu lifted one huge arm and the Captain waved at the fire, welcoming the humans to its warmth. The orcs were already used to the Ghost Lords appearing and disappearing at will. What was important though was that, so far, they had never disappeared in the middle of a fight. The Ghost Lords did not leave or betray their allies.

The Witch sat slightly apart from the orcs. She had been startled by the appearance of the trio. The feeling of seeing them again was different this time. Her algorithm had been altered again and so, she now saw them in a friendlier light. She was their Guide before but now she was also their ally. The Ghost Lords had somehow overcome the odds and proceeded into the Bello's territory. That gave her the ability to help them actively. She will be freed from the Bello and the Bello too will finally be free of her. Her face softened, the poor Bello. The Witch wondered if the three Heroes would discover the true nature and situation of the faultless creature or kill her trying to get the Lifestone.

Her slitted eyes narrowed as she made her decision. She would prevent them from killing the Bello. There must be a way to save herself, the Bello and be free of the never ending cycle (reset of Final Boss when it's killed).

"What's all that glittering stuff?"

"Are these gems? Precious stones, yes? No?" Constantine got up excitedly to examine the grounds. "Are they valuable? Can I take a few? They are winking at me!"

Before them leading further into the Bello's realm were hundreds of shiny coloured stones littering the land. Bright colours winked randomly at him inviting him to step on them.

"Careful Ssspell Casster," came the Witch's voice from behind him. "You will have to passss them to get to the Bello but do not get caught if you are not ready to sstart the next Challenge."

"Next Challenge? What next Challenge, didn't we pass all three already?"

"Thisss isss part of the Bello'sss home. Meeting the Bello is not as eassy as you think."

"What happens if I step on those pretty stones?"

The Witch tilted her head. She could let them get caught by the stones ... but if she did, they would all die there. She really should help them to prepare themselves. That way they would know what to expect, minimise the damage and ensure a higher chance of success through this seemingly mild test.

Lazarus lifted up his head, "Lady ...?"

She held up one scaly hand and pointed. "Wait for it ... there!"

Just then, the stones started sparkling intensely. First the red stones, then green followed by yellow and several other colours, a total of seven colours glittered in turns sometimes two or three colours at the same time in different areas.

"Ooooh! Nice! I should take a screen shot of this," murmured Valentine appreciatively.

"It is very pretty, yes? I feel like I'm in a club."

The orcs sat mesmerised by the flashing colours. They had seen it before whilst waiting for the humans but had made no move after being cautioned by the Witch. After a minute, the kaleidoscope died down. The surroundings suddenly seemed dull and dreary.

"It is pretty but very dangerousss," stated the Witch.

"How so?"

"They are the Demon sstonesss. Getting caught in the colours bringsss out the worsst emotionsss in you. The intensse negative feelingsss are crippling."

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