in due time...

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A/N: (not edited)

what are feelings exactly?

some of us don't even know...

it's like... hard too explain, but you know the feeling is there..

which makes it even more difficult too figure out, what liking someone truly is...

could you follow through with it?

are you even sure you HAVE feelings for that one person?

that's what Violet was debating...

after Minnie, she... just sorta shut down and out of the dating life, like it meant nothing.

she thought she didn't need anyone, but... nights get cold, and wanting someone next too you while you slept... became a need..

not a want...

...a fucking need.

that was for Violet anyway, she still somewhat liked Minnie, but... was slowly catching feelings for Clem..

they've know each other since 9th grade, and they were now in the 11th,, (let's just forget the age gap, ok? thx..)

there was no school, due too march break, so Violet was home alone, with nothing to do...

her mom was our working, and her dad... yeah no one knows where he is... truth be told.

Violet was currently in her room, watching netflix, most likely binge watching The 100,, (...i love that show done come @ me...)

as for Clementine, she was at baseball practice with the boys, Mitch, Louis Marlon and Aasim..

it wasn't really practice, it was more like fun... i suppose.

then it hit Violet, what if she did like Clementine?

does she feel the same way?

...what if she liked louis?

or... Marlon, shit that wouldn't make any sense, Marlon is dating Brody, and Brody is good friends with Clem..

what about Mitch? there's a possibility...

fuck, now Violet was just thinking too much about this one subject.

Clementine can like who she wants too like...

even though it would hurt Violet too see someone with her..

yikes... Violet fell for Clem really hard...

and she didn't know how she was gonna get out of the hole she dug...

feelings don't just... come and go in an instant, they will stay, make themselves as comfy as possible...

and that's what made it worse..

Violet didn't know how too feel, she shook her head, trying to get rid of the thoughts, but we all know that doesn't work.

"fuck... why are feelings a thing? why must.. FUCK!!" Violet yelled out, pretty much too herself.

the girl was confused on what she wanted, she was afraid of getting her heart broken again...

she didn't like the feelings of heart break, made her feel... useless...

unable to cope with anything...

i guess... the future will unroll sooner or later...

in due time...

A/N: idek what this is, literally made it just thinking, sssooo... yeah, it sucks but that's ok, i'll get back on my game sooner or later i suppose.

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