Chapter 1

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Maleficent's earliest memory was waking up in a forest surrounded by trees, alone and confused. She knew that she had a mom and dad, but where were they now that Maleficent was alone? Maleficent had flickers of memories, of warmth and love, and someone comforting telling her that,

"Mommy loves you Meena even when it doesn't seem like it. I did it for your own good."

Again and again, these memories swirled in her mind taunting her with the love and happiness she once had until it turned her cold and bitter. Unable to handle the waves of anger and despair that occurred when she thought of the name she had been given at birth, she decided to change it to something that would command power and respect.

It was in that moment that Maleficent the powerful was born from the broken pieces of an abandoned child.

By the time Maleficent turned 17, she had grown to be a powerful faerie, she made sure that her influence had very little to do with the large black wings that had appeared the night of her 11th birthday. She had worked hard to get to where she found herself today.

The day after her birthday was when she, at last, ventured out of the forest into the nearest village with newfound courage in the form of her new wings. 'Everyone would love her right? There was sure to be at least one person who would be her friend.' Maleficent thought.

Nodding to herself, Maleficent assures herself that this was the right choice. Maleficent walked as proudly as she could into the village with hopes of making some new friends to play with or to find someone who could explain to her what was going on with her body. Walking into the village her excitement dwindled with each passing person who shrunk out of her way. Everyone she passed quickly hurried out of sight when they spotted her wings, and as Maleficent observed the others around her she noticed that almost everyone had wings of varying colours but never black like her own.

She had always known that she was fae, but these people seemed more delicate somehow. It was almost as if she was different from them. Maleficent passed a vendor who was selling mirrors and jewelry with fine stones when she spotted a particularly enchanting mirror that had briar roses around the border.

Picking it up and examining it thoroughly, she peered at her reflection and saw not the little girl she always saw her mirror at home but someone to be feared, a petite girl with sharp teeth, pointy ears decorated with gold chains and large black wings that ended with wicked looking points. All these features took away from the innocence of her young face, her golden curls, lovely lavender eyes and petite frame from undernourishment.

Looking away from her reflection she spotted the cowering vendor a few feet away, looking at him with a small smile she beckoned the vendor over. He scurried closer to her with hopes of making a sale and hopefully walking away with his life.

"A-a-are you inte-terested in the m-mirror, madam?" the vendor asked with a slight shake in his voice.

Maleficent's delicate eyebrows lifted in question at the title, although she had spent the last 6 years in her forest home she had found some books about the fae and their history, madam was often used as a sign of respect to people with higher bloodlines than them. Maleficent ignored the comment dismissing it as fear and intimidation of her appearance.

" I would like to purchase this mirror," Maleficent demanded with as much confidence as she could muster.

"Of course, madam. Free of charge, I insist," the vendor replied with more stability in his voice. "You are new in town, yes? I must ask, have you heard any news about the war recently? Things are starting to get very difficult these days with it going on," lowering his voice as if he was afraid someone would hear he whispered, "I heard that both fae princesses went missing after the king died."

This brought Maleficent back to reality, a war? That she didn't know about? "How long has this been going on, and do you know what has befallen the princesses?" She asked in a slightly commanding voice.

"Probably around 8 years, but after 6 years the princesses went missing, some say they were captured by witches."

Completely shaken, Maleficent took the mirror and headed back to her forest home. At home, Maleficent thought about all the things she had learned today and pondered about wars and princesses.

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