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it's wednesday and lola and i still haven't started working on our duet. if we don't get something to show emily soon we'll both be replaced, and i will not let that happen.

i'm in studio 1, stretching. i texted lola earlier to meet me here twenty minutes ago, but she's still not shown up. i stretch for another few moments when lola comes rushing in. "look who decided to show up," i mutter, rolling my eyes. i don't mean for her to hear, but judging by her expression i'm ninety five percent sure she does.

"sorry i'm late," she mumbles, obviously hurt.

"it's fine, but if you don't start turning up on time, and actually working with me, emily's gonna give the duet to someone else," i say huffily, "and by the way, in case you haven't realised, neither of us are in any other featured dances!" lola looks upset, and i sort of regret shouting at her.

"for the record," she mutters, "i was in the hospital with my sister all day, so not only have i missed a whole day at school, which i should be trying to catch up, i also worked my ass off to get three buses here because my parents couldn't drive me. but sorry to be an inconvenience to you!"

fuck. i did it again. "lola..." i say, "i'm sorry, i- i'm sorry."

"when are you going to say sorry and actually mean it?" lola questions, her voice shaking.

"i do mean it. i promise!" i plead.

"fine, whatever," she mutters, "i guess we should start this stupid duet."

"this duet isn't stupid," i say, slightly offended.

"yes it is," lola answers, but i think she's joking, just a little.

"no it's not," i counter, with a hint of a smirk.

"yes, it is," lola replies, giggling.

"you know, wether this duet is stupid or not, do you want to dance on the nationals stage?"


"so we should probably get on we choreographing it, right?"

lola bites her lip and smiles, "yeah, i'm sorry."

"i'm sorry too," i say, then giggle a little, "now that we're even, let's get going."

"good idea," lola smiles softly, "so, are you still against having a storyline for a dance?"

i laugh lightly, "nah, i get how that they're good now."

"so should we brainstorm some ideas?"

"yeah," i answer. we sit down cross legged on the floor and come up with multiple different storyline ideas, for what seems like forever. eventually we agree on a basic outline of two forces that draw each other in, but also push each other away. like magnets.

it's getting late, and we should probably be getting home, but in all honesty i'd rather stay here with lola. "lola?" i ask softly.


"do you want to stay at mine tonight?" i ask nervously.

"it's a school night, your parents wouldn't want me over," she replies hesitantly.

"my parents are on a business trip and my sister's staying at her boyfriend's; the house is just a bit lonely at the moment," i say quietly.

lola bites her lip. "i'm not meant to stay over at other people's houses at the moment, because of my sister."

"okay," i mumble, "it's fine." i start packing up my stuff when lola calls out.

"wait- you can stay at mine if you want. my parents will be fine with it, especially because you're home alone."

"are you sure?" i ask quietly.

"i'll call my mum," lola smiles. she takes my hand momentarily and squeezes it, before grabbing her phone and making the call. a weird feeling sparks inside my stomach, making my body feel strange. i'm not sure what it is.

"hey, my mum said it's fine, you can stay over."

"really?" i ask, sort of surprised but ultimately happy.

lola nods. "do you want to go to yours to grab pyjamas or do you just want to borrow some of mine?"

"i'll just borrow some of yours, my clothes from today will be fine for school tomorrow."

"okay," lola smiles. she grabs her bag and we're just leaving studio 1 when her hand brushes against mine. it's only a tiny touch, but it sends a ripple of tingles through me. the feeling catches me off guard, but i push it away. it was probably nothing.

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