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it's thursday, and i'm just stretching in the studio before rehearsals when noah calls me. i get soft butterflies when i pick up, "hiya," i smile.

"hey babe," noah says softly, "so you know i'm leaving on saturday morning right?"

"yeah." i don't want him to go. i know it's only two weeks but i don't think i've gone two weeks without seeing him since we were like, twelve.

"so i was thinking," noah begins, "do you wanna like, stay over tomorrow night and then see me off at the airport? i'm gonna miss you so much."

i smile to myself. "i'd love to. i can get the bus to your's tomorrow, but i'm gonna have to ask emily if i can have saturday morning off, okay?"

"okay," noah answers, "text me what she says."

"i will," i tell him, "i've got to go now, see you soon."


i hang up and tuck my phone away into my cubby. "emily?" i begin, walking over to her office.


"could i have saturday morning off?" i ask anxiously.

"well," emily smiles, "it depends why."

"well, noah-" i start, but emily cuts me off.

"what's noah doing in this story?" she asks, not even trying to hide the fact she's super nosey.

"he's my boyfriend."

"he's your what? since when?" emily asks, clearly shocked.

"he's my boyfriend. since sunday."

"why is this only happening now?! when he's left a-troupe?! you guys could've decided you were in love in j-troupe!"

"i actually did like him in j-troupe," i counter, blushing.

"alright, whatever, why does noah being your boyfriend mean you need saturday morning off? are you going on a six day anniversary date? how adorable."

i roll my eyes playfully. "noah's going away to new york for two weeks on a musical theatre course, and he's super excited, but he wants me to stay over on friday then wish him off at the airport."

emily sits and thinks for a moment. after a minute she's speaks up again, "so you're staying over?"

i nod.

"you can have saturday morning off, on one condition. you come back on saturday afternoon with no baby inside you. am i clear?"

i almost burst out laughing, "yes. very clear," i say, trying not to smirk.

"i mean it richelle!" emily exclaims, pointing a finger at me, "you can do what you want but i'm not having a pregnancy scandal at nationals!"

i nod seriously, "don't worry emily. nothing will happen, and if anything does, which i'm sure it won't, i'll make sure we're one hundred percent safe."

"good. now go stretch."

i giggle and rush out of emily's office, quickly texting noah to tell him i've got saturday morning off.

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