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a few days have passed since i overheard amy and lola's conversation. i've been avoiding lola, but we have studio 1 booked to work on our duet, and i can't put it off any longer.

i decide to go twenty minutes early, to stretch and clear my head, so i'm surprised to find lola at the ballet barre.

"hey," she smiles at me, "it feels like we've barely talked the past couple of days."

"yeah," i respond dryly.

"are you okay?" lola asks softly.

"yeah. just missing noah," i shrug. i look over at her, trying to hide my disgust.

"you're here early," lola states.

"you were earlier," i say blankly. i start stretching at the other end of the barre.

"i was gonna try and work through some tricks, and clear my head," lola tells me, "but i guess if we're both here we could start."

"yeah, whatever," i say coldly. how the fuck am i supposed to dance with her? she likes my boyfriend.

lola connects her phone to her bluetooth speaker and we run into our starting positions are the music begins to echo through the studio. the duet goes well. all of our tricks are perfect and our dancing is flawless, but i can't even look her in the eye.

we finish and i grab my water bottle, sipping from it slowly. "richelle?" lola calls.


"are you sure you're okay?" she asks gently.

"i told you, i'm fine!" i yell, bursting.

"you can barely even look at me!" lola shouts back.

then i laugh. "i can't help it if you're a whore trying to take my boyfriend!"

lola looks hurt and confused, "wha-what?" she stutters.

"i heard you tell amy that you liked someone and if i found out i'd hate you. well guess what? i found out! you like noah, and babe, don't worry, i don't hate you, that spot is reserved for trump and my mother, but i strongly despise you," i hiss, sarcasm leaking out.

lola begins to cry, just a little. she's actually pathetic. anytime something doesn't go completely her way she turns on the waterworks. "richelle... you-you don't understand," she mumbles through soft sobs.

"what don't i understand?" i scoff.

"i don't like noah!" she pleads.

"who else would i hate you for liking? elliot? you can have that dickhead! you'd be perfect for each other because you both love to break my heart," i hiss.

"richelle!" lola yells, "i don't even like boys!"

what? that doesn't make sense. "what are you on about? you're making this up to deny the fact you like my boyfriend."

"have you ever seen me even look at a boy as if i have feelings for him?" lola asks, wiping her eyes.

"uh, yeah, kingston," i say, rolling my eyes.

"you and i both know that kingston is gay. and so am i!"

this still doesn't make sense. "so who do you like? i wouldn't hate you purely for liking girls but i'm really fucking confused lola. why would liking the person you like make me hate you? you know what, i don't care, you're lying!"

lola shakes her head a little, "i like you richelle!" she exclaims, "i'm sorry," she whispers. fresh tears trickle slowly down her cheeks.

i don't really know how to process what i'm hearing. "since when?" i ask quietly.

lola shrugs, "since like, forever. haven't you seen the way i look at you and act around you?"

i bite my lip, "not really. but why did you tell amy?"

lola shrugs, "she's out. everyone knows she likes girls. i thought she'd know what to do."

"oh," i mumble, "but why would you like me? i treat you like shit lola. don't even deny it, i'm a horrible friend to you."

lola sniffs and wipes her eyes with her thumb, "i don't know, richelle, but when i'm around you, my heart races and i get butterflies and tingles. you're always on my mind. my palms get all clammy and i get shaky. it's like i can't even think straight you're so fucking gorgeous."

what lola's saying confuses me. when i'm with her i do get all tingly, but i don't like her. i don't like girls. i like noah.

i step closer to lola, and wipe the salty water from her cheeks with my thumb. "i'm sorry," i whisper, "i'm sorry for what i said."

"and-and you're sorry that you're completely uncomfortable with me liking you and you'll never feel the same way and you hate me because i'm a massive fucking freak," lola mumbles, her voice shaking.

"no. i could never hate you." i try to take her hand but she pulls it away.

"i have to go," she says quickly, grabbing her things and rushing out of the studio.

"lola, wait!" i call after her, but it's no use. she's gone.

i slump down into a ball as my eyes start to water. lola likes girls. lola likes me. but i like noah. do i like lola too? no. i like noah. i really, really like noah. i don't even like girls. i like boys. not girls. noah. not lola.

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